Was sind die häufigsten Ziele eines Executive Coachings? (2024)

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Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben


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Executive Coaching ist ein personalisierter und kollaborativer Prozess, der Führungskräften hilft, ihre Leistung zu verbessern, Herausforderungen zu meistern und ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Doch was sind die häufigsten Ziele des Executive Coachings? In diesem Artikel werden wir sechs typische Bereiche untersuchen, für die Führungskräfte Coaching in Anspruch nehmen, und wie Coaching sie unterstützen kann.

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  • Prasad Palav PCC (ICF) Top Executive Coaching Voice|Leadership, Executive, Career Coach | Advanced Hogan Certified | INSEAD | Ex-ICICI…

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Was sind die häufigsten Ziele eines Executive Coachings? (12) Was sind die häufigsten Ziele eines Executive Coachings? (13) Was sind die häufigsten Ziele eines Executive Coachings? (14)

1 Entwicklung von Führungskräften

Eines der häufigsten Ziele des Executive Coachings ist es, die Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen zu entwickeln, die für eine effektive Führung unerlässlich sind. Dazu können strategisches Denken, Kommunikation, emotionale Intelligenz, Entscheidungsfindung, Delegation, Feedback und Konfliktlösung gehören. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, ihre Stärken und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten zu identifizieren, spezifische und messbare Ziele zu setzen und Aktionspläne zu erstellen, um diese zu erreichen. Coaching kann auch Feedback, Anleitung und Unterstützung auf dem Weg dorthin bieten und Führungskräfte herausfordern, sich zu strecken und zu wachsen.

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    In terms of leadership development the most common goals set by clients were 1) leading a (multi-cultural) team 2) improving executive gravitas and 3) reading the room to better manage/influence stakeholders.


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  • Emmy Pastillero Product Brand Manager, Hologic
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    Sadly, I see many managers in leadership positions who are either un-coachable or do not have the level of strategic thinking, emotional intelligence and basics of communication skills that can be honed to be excellent leaders to start with. Companies need to start with hiring the right candidates with (coachable) potentials. Particularly when employees are promoted to a leadership position based on their specialist knowledge.


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2 Beruflicher Wechsel

Ein weiteres häufiges Ziel des Executive Coachings ist es, einen reibungslosen und erfolgreichen Karriereübergang zu ermöglichen. Dies kann den Wechsel in eine neue Rolle, Organisation oder Branche oder die Vorbereitung auf eine Beförderung, einen Ruhestand oder einen Ausstieg beinhalten. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, ihre Vision, Werte und Ziele zu klären, ihre Eignung und Bereitschaft zu beurteilen und eine Strategie zu entwickeln, um den Wandel zu bewältigen. Coaching kann Führungskräften auch dabei helfen, die emotionalen und praktischen Aspekte des Übergangs zu bewältigen, wie z. B. Stressbewältigung, den Aufbau von Beziehungen, die Anpassung an neue Kulturen und das Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten.

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    I do a lot of coaching to support on this area of executive coaching. Vision, goals and values are very important components of an high performing team. Yet, the most important component, in my opinion, is our a leader inspires, guides and influences their team to ‘buy’ into these. Having a strategy to get people to believe in their vision is often where leaders fail as they rely on their position rather than their charisma, gravitas, motivational skills and expertise.


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    Career transition is an important yet incredibly challenging part of any professional's career span. Transitions can pose unique and very personalized experiences for each leader. William Bridges' Model of Transition highlights 3 stages of transition that people go through when they are faced with change. These are:Ending, Losing, and Letting Go.The Neutral Zone.The New BeginningBridges says that people will go through each stage at their own pace. Those who are comfortable with the change will likely move ahead to stage three quickly, while others will linger at stages one or two.Leaders at each unique stage can benefit from coaching by exploring their emotions and choosing a path that seems right for them given their stage.


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  • Neelima Chakara I help experienced managers be visible, valued, rewarded and lateral hires succeed in their new leadership roles| Executive coach| Listed among 100 most influential coaches-World HRD Congress 2024-Global, 2023-India|
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    Executive coaching plays a significant role in career transitions, whether it is the transition to the next level or succeeding in the role they have newly stepped into. As Marshall Goldsmith famously said - What brought you here will not take you there. Executive coaching helps leaders identify and adopt the new behaviors they need to get to the next level of roles and succeed in them. It also helps identify and shed the old behaviors that no longer serve the leader.


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3 Leistungsverbesserung

Ein drittes gemeinsames Ziel des Executive Coachings ist es, die Leistung der Führungskraft, ihres Teams oder ihrer Organisation zu verbessern. Dabei kann es darum gehen, bestimmte Probleme wie geringe Produktivität, schlechte Qualität, hohe Fluktuation oder Kundenunzufriedenheit anzugehen oder allgemeine Aspekte wie Innovation, Zusammenarbeit oder Effizienz zu verbessern. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, die Ursachen der Leistungslücken zu analysieren, Lösungen zu entwerfen und umzusetzen sowie die Ergebnisse zu überwachen und zu bewerten. Coaching kann Führungskräften auch dabei helfen, eine wachstumsorientierte Denkweise zu entwickeln, Feedback anzunehmen und aus Fehlern zu lernen.

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    In my work with leaders as an executive coach, I have seen leaders squeezed by a mountain of expectations for the next level, the burden of managing larger teams, global roles, and expanded stakeholder ask. Amidst the shifted organizational perception, I have seen that the leaders' readiness to address these challenges is always on a spectrum. All leaders are not equally prepared to navigate the expectations. Particularly for those leaders coaching helps ! Coaching allows them to explore through deep conversations -1- what might be the one big thing they would need to focus 2- What success looks like in the new role3- What are the real or perceived challenges that the leader is facing 4- What makes it a challenge, really?And PERFORM!


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  • Gopal A Iyer 9X LinkedIn Top Voice | Business Growth | Talent Consulting | OD | Ex-EY | Ex - Deloitte | Design Thinking Expert | Executive Coach | Educator | Hogan Assessor | Advisory Board Member
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    In my journey with startups, I've discovered that executive coaching is pivotal for performance elevation. Often, it's about honing decision-making, amplifying emotional intelligence, and fostering leadership agility. At one vibrant tech company, I coached a visionary yet overwhelmed CEO. Together, we unlocked strategies for effective delegation and stress management, transforming chaos into productivity. Such transformations reaffirm that at the core of performance improvement lies the art of aligning personal growth with organizational goals, a mantra I carry into each coaching chapter.


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4 Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben

Ein viertes gemeinsames Ziel des Executive Coachings ist es, eine bessere Balance zwischen Beruf und Privatleben zu erreichen. Dies kann bedeuten, Grenzen zu setzen, Aufgaben zu priorisieren, Zeit zu verwalten, Verantwortlichkeiten zu delegieren und Nein zu sagen. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, ihre Werte, Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen zu erkennen und ihr Handeln darauf auszurichten. Coaching kann Führungskräften auch dabei helfen, Gewohnheiten und Routinen zu entwickeln, die ihr Wohlbefinden unterstützen, wie z. B. Bewegung, Schlaf, Ernährung und Entspannung.

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    I’m curious about the terminology…as if work and life are totally distinct and need to be balanced. The work I do as an #ikigai coach challenges the assumption that they have to be separate. What if we do work that we both love and are good at? Then our work becomes more a part of our life? And then maybe it’s back to terminology and we just need a better work/non-work balance?


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  • Gopal A Iyer 9X LinkedIn Top Voice | Business Growth | Talent Consulting | OD | Ex-EY | Ex - Deloitte | Design Thinking Expert | Executive Coach | Educator | Hogan Assessor | Advisory Board Member
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    As a coach, many of my coaches encountered the challenge of mastering work-life balance. I recall guiding a seasoned leader, worn by the ceaseless demands of leadership. Despite his stellar growth and success, he struggled with his health.We worked together, focusing not just on managing time, but on managing energy — essential for sustained high performance. As we often discussed, "It's not the hours you put in, but the energy you bring to those hours." Our journey led to him prioritizing wellness and rediscovering his zest for both work and life.


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  • Dr Gary Crotaz, PhD ACC Speaker | The Unlock Moment Podcast | Executive Coach | 100 Coaches Agency | Thinkers360 #2 Coaching | Henley Coaching Book of the Year | Board, Rambert School, Rambert Grades and Advisory Board, Malt
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    I was talking with a former Harvard Business School professor the other week on my podcast and she said "I hear many people complaining about a lack of balance in their life or career, but I hardly ever hear of people setting balance as an explicit goal in personal development and growth through coaching." We agreed that the pursuit of balance could be an important paradigm shift in the development of high-performance leaders in the coming years. When society teaches us that you have to work harder and harder to achieve bigger and bigger goals, in reality the most successful leaders, including in the world's largest companies, are those who have mastered balance in their life and work. Give it a go and see what it unlocks for you!


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5 Persönliches Wachstum

Ein fünftes gemeinsames Ziel des Executive Coachings ist es, persönliches Wachstum und Erfüllung zu fördern. Dies kann bedeuten, dass man seinen Zweck, seine Leidenschaft und sein Potenzial erforscht oder neue Interessen, Hobbys oder Erfahrungen verfolgt. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, ihr authentisches Selbst zu entdecken, ihre Kreativität auszudrücken und ihren Horizont zu erweitern. Coaching kann Führungskräften auch dabei helfen, einschränkende Überzeugungen, Ängste oder Zweifel zu überwinden und Selbstvertrauen, Resilienz und Optimismus aufzubauen.

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    A truly remarkable leader leads from their core, from the quality of their being. They are highly self-aware, emotionally intelligent, intuitive, and present. These qualities (the being) are not developed in isolation but in deep, trustworthy partnership and dialogue with coaches/individuals that can hold the complexity of life, humanity and leadership. It is only through this growth, nudged by the coach, a leader can truly step into their authentic way of leading, and so causing the biggest impact available for them. Without mirrors and the right tools (coaching), the leader stays in their golden cage - without realising they are in one.


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    Coaching and Personal Growth are so sides of the same coin - coaching is a compelling tool for personal growth. Personal Growth Model (PGP) by Carl Rogers talks about "willingness to grow" as an important condition for personal growth. AutonomyAuthenticity willingness are important conditions for personal growth. Interesting Coaching presupposes these three areas as critical to the success of a coaching relationship. A leader can walk towards the journey of personal growth only -- if he/she is willing to invest in personal growth -Is authentic in the coaching relationship - is autonomous in the choices of growth he/she chooses to make. Coaching a leader with these 3 traits can be incredibly valuable for a client.


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6 Präsenz der Geschäftsleitung

Ein sechstes gemeinsames Ziel des Executive Coachings ist es, die eigene Präsenz als Führungskraft zu verbessern, d. h. die Fähigkeit, Selbstvertrauen, Kompetenz und Glaubwürdigkeit als Führungskraft auszustrahlen. Dies kann die Verbesserung des Aussehens, der Kommunikation, des Verhaltens und der Einstellung beinhalten. Coaching kann Führungskräften helfen, ein positives und professionelles Image zu entwickeln, ihre Vision und ihr Wertversprechen zu artikulieren und andere zu beeinflussen und zu inspirieren. Coaching kann Führungskräften auch dabei helfen, sich an unterschiedliche Situationen, Zielgruppen und Kulturen anzupassen und mit Druck und Herausforderungen mit Anmut und Gelassenheit umzugehen.

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  • Prasad Palav PCC (ICF) Top Executive Coaching Voice|Leadership, Executive, Career Coach | Advanced Hogan Certified | INSEAD | Ex-ICICI, Standard Chartered, Poonawalla Fincorp |. On a mission to create awareness about coaching
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    I was having a tripartite call with the leader and his boss, the leader mentioned that he wants to work on his executive presence and the boss smiled and said that he doesn’t understand the meaning here about executive but definitely presence is something we all need to cultivate as human beings and that statement hit hard and changed even my way of looking at things. This word Executive Presence has become a buzzword of sorts in coaching and leadership development. What all of us need is to demonstrate PRESENCE day in day out and to do that one needs transcend a lot of things not just at corporate levels but even personally This is where coaching can make a huge difference


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  • Gopal A Iyer 9X LinkedIn Top Voice | Business Growth | Talent Consulting | OD | Ex-EY | Ex - Deloitte | Design Thinking Expert | Executive Coach | Educator | Hogan Assessor | Advisory Board Member
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    I'd love to share a snippet from my journey as an executive coach, notably with a remarkable 16-year-old CEO. Despite her groundbreaking innovation, she struggled to command the boardroom—a space dominated by seasoned executives. We worked together to focus on cultivating her 'Executive Presence,' emphasizing confident communication, authenticity, and strategic thought leadership. Together, we navigated the nuances of assertiveness and emotional intelligence, ensuring her ideas resonated with gravitas. Today, she stands tall, her presence undeniably felt, her voice unfalteringly heard. This transformation underscores a common coaching goal: shaping a presence that aligns innate potential with perceived authority.


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  • Jerry Weinstein Trusted Business Advisor and Coach .CoFounder of Five business in the B to B industrial product and services Has served on multiple outside boards Experienced in US and global markets. Leads ScoreNYRoundtable program
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    All the comments and goals for coaching Executives and Leaders are accurate However my comments are are applicable to all. Reasons to start the journey will change and evolve. It is the basic relationship that is forged over time, that leads to the success in adapting to new situations and thus continuing to grow. Life and Businesses are dynamic and not always predictable. At the initial stages the needs and wants at the time must be articulated so as to have a base point and to start building the Trust and Respect relationships between Coach and Client


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    My clients aim for professional recognition and genuine leadership presence, where their authenticity, femininity, and appearance are in harmony with their aspirations. Embracing their worth, they prioritize well-being and positive connections, crafting a balanced approach to navigate their journey authentically and powerfully for holistic success.


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  • Neelima Chakara I help experienced managers be visible, valued, rewarded and lateral hires succeed in their new leadership roles| Executive coach| Listed among 100 most influential coaches-World HRD Congress 2024-Global, 2023-India|
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    In my experience of coaching leaders, I find that, at times, they put the burden of solving every problem on themselves and do not leverage their teams enough. Executive coaching helps them see that they are not playing to their strengths and determine how to marshal the required resources, build trust, brainstorm, and seek feedback. It is a powerful tool for breaking out of the - lonely at the top - emotion, which can be a padlock for the leader. Coaching helps leaders to connect better with themselves and their teams and improve organizational performance.


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Was sind die häufigsten Ziele eines Executive Coachings? (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.