ton Wolff ADDITIONAL SPORTS 13-YEAR-OLD BOY IN SEMI-FINALS OF TABLE NET MEETS Al Levy Advances in Two Classes of District Tournaments. Allan Levy, 13-year-old table tennis star. today was in the semifinal round in both the Class A and the boys' district tournaments which come to a close tonight at Milner Hotel. Eighteenth street and Washington avenue. Levy's opponent tonight in the Class A round of four match will be Ray Heitzman, and in the boys' contest will face Scott Harrison, who eliminated fourth-seeded Morley Turner in the first round, 19- 21-14.
21-18. Levy is ranked first in the boys' meet, but is unseeded in the Class A tourney. In Class only one of the four seeded contestants, Frank Zemel, ranked first, in the running for the title. Ray Eckert, second seeded. lost to Lou Hasser in the second round, while third-seeded Joe McCarthy and fourth-seeded Al Ross bowed out in the third round.
CLASS A (First Round.) Prank Zemel defeated Walter Wagner, 21-18. 21-16: John Scheumbauer defeated Wendell Reid. 17-21, 21-19, 21-14: Harry defeated Joe Joseph. 21-16. 16-21.
21-14: Joe Mitenell defeated Morley TurDeF. 21-18. 21-19: Al Ross defeated BorTurner, default: Joe Novack defeated McClain, default: Mike Grasse defeated Lester Progue, default: Jules Sacks defeated Al Zonnis, 21-14, 21-6: Ray Eckert defeated W. Walters 21-11. 21-13; Lou Hasser defeated Dan Lazarus, 22-20.
21-18: Allan Lavy defeated Dave Seltzer. default: Herb Vallatt defeated Billy Sherman. 21-15. 21-12; Joe McCarthy defeated Donald Fink, 21-12, 21-16; Lou Italiano defeated Fred Weisel, 21-18. 21-18: Gilbert Zonnis defeated Robert Aubuchon, 15-21.
21-15, 21-15; Marvin Cox defeated Myron Levy, 21-18, 21-15. (Second Round.1 Zemel defeated Sceumauer. 21-8, 23-21: Wolff defeated Mitchell, 21-14. 20-22. 21-12: Ross defeated Novack, 38-36.
21-16: Sacks defeated Grasse, 21-19, 21-16; Hasset defeated Eckert. 21-13, 15-21. 21-15: Levy defeated Vallatt. 21-18. 21-15; McCarthy defeated Italiano, 21-16.
19-21. 21-16, Heitzman defeated Cox, 21-11, 21-17. Zemel defeated Wolff. 21-18, 21-14: Sacks defeated Ross. 21-18.
21-18; Levy defeated Hasser, 21-17, 18-21, 21-16; Heitzman defeated McCarthy. 21-18, 21-19. BOYS' DIVISION. First Round. Dick Sherman defeated Jimmy Leach, 21-18.
21-16: Scott Harrington defeated Morley Turner. 19-21, 21-14. 21-18: Bob Harper defeated Bob Aubuchon, by default: Don Lasater defeated Marvin Nichols. 21-16. 20-22.
21-13: Ray Bredenkamp defeated Sylvan Kaplan, 21-11. 21-19; Bill Leach defeated Melvin Nichols, 21-15, 21- Second Round. Allan Levy defeated Sherman, 21-18. 21-16; Harrington defeated Harper, 21-10. 21-14: Lasater defeated Credenkamp.
24- 22. 21-14; Bill Leach defeated Bill Ewald, 21-16. 22-20. Amerks' Last Period Drive Beats Red Wings By United Press. The New York Americans kept their Stanley Cup hopes alive last night by shading the Detroit Red Wings, 5-4, to even their elimination series at one victory each.
The Americans came from behind with a four -goal last period drive to win. Seven goals found the nets during the hectic final period. The two teams travel to Detroit today for tomorrow night's game to decide who will meet Toronto's Mapie Leafs, victors in their two out of three series Chicago Black Hawks. In the game schedvother uled for tomorrow night, the New York Rangers and the Boston Bruins, tied in their best of seven series with one victory apiece, meet at Boston. 16TH WARD A.
C. TO GIVE DANCE APRIL 20 The Sixteenth Ward Athletic Club will give a dance at Druid's Hall. Jefferson and Park avenues, April 20. The club sponsors fourteen junior and four senior baseball teams and has a membership of 180. The season, according to George Khoury, sponsor of the club, probably will open the latter part of April.
ONE TEAM NEEDED TO COMPLETE LEAGUE The University City Junior Baseball League is being reorganized for the coming season and needs one more club to compleet a four -team circuit. An eighteen-game split season will be played. The contests will take place at Millar Park. Any team with players from ages of 16 to 20 wishing to join the league are requested to contact Andy Taylor at 921 Locust street, or call him at CEntral 4892. BEN DOUGLAS TO BE HONORED AT BANQUET The Grinnell Alumni Club of St.
Louis will honor Ben Douglas and Oliver Wagner, newly appointed football coaches at the Iowa school, at a banquet tonight at the KingsWay Hotel. Douglas and Wagner, at present head grid coach and assistant, respectively, at Maplewood High School, will assume their new duties at Grinnell, on April 1. Benetactor for Sale. LEXINGTON, March (U. -Col.
E. R. Bradley's Benefactor, one of the early future book choices for the 1939 Kentucky derby, is for sale it was announced today. (Post time 1 p. m.
St. Louis time.) FIRST RACE Claiming. 2-year-olds. furlongs: Belmar Star, 108; xCordoniz. 99; Blonde Witch, 104; New Year, 111; xMiss Beeville, 103; Betty's Broom, 111; Ayres.
111: 106; Lost Gold, 111: First Division. 106; Nowo, 108: Sly Heels, 107; I Bid. 114: Chick Dame, 108; Son Jim, 107; Tee Cee, 107; Clock Time, 108; Emollient, 108. SECOND RACE -Maiden 3-year-olds. 6 furlongs, chute: a Inconceivable, 116; Kilta Verse, 111: Centervielle, 116; Ring, 111: Satiation, 116; Unravelled, 116; Belmar Belle, 111; Trump, 116: xMolest.
111: Air Speed, 116; Tread Light, 116; xSweet Lavender, 106; Highola, 116; aTinder Gal, 111. aW. J. McCune entry. THIRD Claiming, 4-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs, chute: Cruising.
108; Boats' Crew. 111: xLolschen, 103; xPont Neut, 106; xJock's Betsy. 101; Never Cease, 105: Major B. 109; xCalling. 101: Eva R.
108 Hat Check, 116: Free Child, 113; Whiskolo. 113. FOURTH RACE -Claiming, 4-year-olds and up, miles: Deduce, 115; Lady Bethyl, 105; El Puma, 118: Devil's Peak. 110: Listowel, 118; David 115; Blanco Sweep, 105. FIFTH RACE- Allowances, 3-year-olds, furlongs: Dorimar, 105; Hutoka, 108; Maeair, 116; Raise Up.
108: Baltee. 116; Devil's Crag. 113; xSack, 111: Town Boy, 116; xMaenerva, 106: Maeace, 113; Bino, 113: Equistar. 116. SIXTH RACE Claiming, 3-year-olds, mile and 70 yards: Steep.
111; Stormy. Passage, 111; Air Tight, 116; Jaybeedee, 116: Don Boscombe, 116; Gamester, 116; Flying Duke, 116. SEVENTH RACE -Claiming. 4-year-olds and up, 11-16 miles: Buttermilk. 105: Sketchbook.
110: Off Guard. 111: Cerisse TIT. 110: Piccolo, 113: Cee Joe. 110: xSun Mica, 108; Dnieper, 108; Weekly Stipend, 102: xBusy Morn. 105.
BIGHTH RACE -Claiming. 4-year-olds and up, miles: Winged Victory. 115; Sun Kinesen. 110; Diabroom, 118: PI Prince Pharoah. 112: Broad Stripes, 113; xSure Swift.
110; Limerick, 113. 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 00 00000 0 0 0 00000 00000 0000 0000 0 000 0 00000 0 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 00000 000 00 0 0 0000000 0000000 0000000 00000 0000000 ST. LOUIS STAR -TIMES SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1940. ST. LOUIS STAR- -TIMES All in a Lifetime By Frank Beck AND WHILE I WAS DIRECTING THEIR ATTENTION TO THE LUXURIOUS COMFORT OF OUR DEEP SOFT RESTFUL SEATS, THEY FELL Racing Entries Tropical Park Entries Apprentice allowance claimed.
Weather clear. track fast. RACE RESULTS At Tropical Park FIRST mile: Kleig Light, 112 (Critchfield), 25.60, 8.50, 6.30. Star Of Dondra, 110 (Schmidl) 4.90, 3.40. Pirate Ship, 105 (Durando), 5.90.
2-5. Also ran: Doris Betty. Hill's Palm, Okapilida, Paper Girl, Time, Courtiand, Ten-O-Hearts, Sun Kit, Fiery Vision. SECOND mile: Berwyn, 110 (Wells), 5.80. 3.90, 3.60.
Arga, 115 (Berger), 10.90, 7.00. Delius, 114 (Milligan), 11.30. Time- 1:12 1-5. Also ran: Cycle, Morning Mail, Time Interval, Kaptime, Dreel, No Ending. Dixie Girl, Lady Emison.
THIRD RACE- mile: Belmar Arra, 113 (Donoso), 8.30, 5.30. 3.40. Straddle On, 113 (McCoy), 13.20, 7.20. Puro Oro, 113 (Steffen), 3.90. Time-: 47.
Also ran: Hermar, Dr. South. Chance Run. Zacatine, Subura. FOURTH RACE mile: Rapid Way, 108 (Wells).
4.80, 3.60. 2.90. Little Bolo. 109 (M. Packer), 4.80, 3.60.
Dancing Light, 116 5.30. Also ran: Sassy Mate, Neddie Lass, The Loom, Cuckoo-Man. DAILY-DOUBLE PAYOFF AT TROPICAL PARK. and second races paid $74.10. AT OAKLAWN PARK.
First and second races paid $226.10. At Oaklawn Jimmie 112 (Bodiou), 29.70, 10.80, FIRST furlongs: POACE 5.90. Little Davey, 107 (Oros). 5.20, 3.10. Short Measure, 110 (W.
L. Taylor), a 2.80. Also ran: Little Gay, Happened, Ruby Cherry, Schnozzle, Matchless. SECOND RACE furlongs: Nigrette. 108 (G.
Martin), 12.30. 5.30, 3.80. Anna Grand. 108 (J. Richard), 5.20, 3.70.
3: Roidef, 108 (G. Oros). 4.20. Time 1:09 3-5. Also ran: Wise King.
Belle, Graustark, Hones Chile. Legal Advice, Royal Countess, Carrying Time, Cania. FIELD OF TEN TO RUN IN TANFORAN DERBY SAN BRUNO, March (U. Royal Crusader and Weigh Anchor- the one-twothree horses of the $50.000 Santa Anita derby--were along with seven other three-year-olds to run today in the $5,000 Golden State derby at Tanforan race course. HEAFNER SHOOTS 69 IN GREENSBORO OPEN GREENSBORO.
N. March 23. -(U. Clayton Heafner of Charlotte, N. took an early lead the opening round of the Greater Greensboro Open Golf Tournament here today he two-under-par 35-34- 69 for the first 18 holes of the 72-hole meet.
TO LISTEN RAY SCHMIDT I SPORTSCAST KC. HELLA VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS. Francis and Patricia Bartholomew. 5879 Plymouth. Leonard and Lola Dettmer, 4021 N.
Ninth. Charles and Marie Schewe, 4914 Leahy. William and Dorothy Gaitskill, 2718A Hampton. Hugo and Elizabeth Schick. 4985 Quincy.
Walter and Drusila Kuehler. 4167 Clay. Gershon and Ruth Ward. Webster Groves. Mo.
Justin and Laura Stein, 5854A Wabada. Richard and Esther Riechman, Baden Station. Mo. Eugene and Edna Meurer. Belleville.
Il1 Harry and Mary Vierheller, 3552A Marine. William and Louise Beckman, 5029 Alaska. Cari and Marjorie Radder, 2008 Franklin. Andrew and Anna Bedrosian. 3219 S.
Seventh. Guyton and Ethel Dunn, 1805A S. Eleventh. Richard and Rose Feldman, 1928 S. Broadway.
John and Doris Gammon, 2527 DeKalb. Walter and Edna Gills, 5932 Hamilton terrace. Floyd and Janet Knisley, 904 Walton. Thomas and Pearl Fears, 4436 Randall pl. Wilbert and Florence Parker, 4105 Washington.
Gilbert Agnes Brown, 4335 West Pine. Claude and Lorene Busby, 1854 S. Thirteenth. Allen and Diani Creek, Lafayette. John and Lena Cullins.
1010 Morrison. Virgil and Ethel Duncan, 2609 Palm. Harry and Wilma Effan, 2842 Lemp. Charles and Wanda Eller, 2918 S. Thirteenth.
Fred and Elsie Lloyd, West Pine. William and Myrtle Mills, 1920 S. Eleventh. Eugene and Bonnie Aubuchon, Ferguson. Mo.
George and Gertrude LeBeau, 2421A: N. Jefferson. Frank and Mary Castellano, 21244 Marcont. Ofa and Isolena Robey, 5658 Cater. Robert and Catherine Mulligan, 2814 Compton.
Milton annal Violet Hill. 4535 Flad. William Bernice Coleman, 2500 Clifton. Samuel and Helen Hatcher, Richmond Heights, Mo. Robert and Mabel Smith.
Chester. Ill. Louis and Margaret Haenichen, 6206 Victoria. Harry and Gladys Schmitz. 6031 Arsenal.
Cecil a and Daisy 1125A Palm. ST. LOUIS COUNTY. BOYS. Albert Violet Chandler.
Ferguson. James and Agnes Travis, University City. Mo. Leonard and Margaret Ebbesmeyer. Florissant.
Mo. Delmar and Ethel Reeves, Webster Groves. Mo. GIRLS. Clarence, and Dorothea French.
ChesterBURIAL PERMITS. Nellie Garvey, 79. 5800 Arsenal. Louise Wilhelm, 76, 4732 Kensington. John A.
Selzer. 73. 3616 Arkansas. Anna Well. 56.
3916A Palm. Carrie Maxwell, 28, 174A Marion. William Block. 50. 3054 Cass.
Albert Smith, 48, 101 S. Jefferson. Henry R. Tesmar, 65. 4590 Berry May, 65.
914 Josephine. Lenna Woolsey, 52, 4422 Arsenal. August Utrecht. 75. 5415 St.
Louis. Geraldine Meyer, 51. 3140A S. Compton. James Durham.
62, 5800 Arsenal. Anna Clonka, 53. Madison, Ill. Lillie B. Mitchell, 47.
3940A Finney. Jane Trebilco*ck, 65. 4104 Hartford. Johanna Hugo, 71, 4507A Fair. Emma Robinson, 55.
1202 N. Nineteenth. Louise M. McLaughlin, 55, 3333A Califorria. Jennie Linn Mentler.
51. Centralia, Ill. Fred Waverly Taylor, 79. 5351 Delmar. Julia Smith, 53, 1401 N.
Eighth (rear). Emil Gutle, 70. 6107 Adeline. Edna F. Newman, 45, 2509 Howard.
John McDermitt, 85, 4324 Delmar. Lottie Zehnder. 75. 4963 Page. William Henry Nolker.
61. 4946 Pershing. Irene Eaton. 78. Howes Mills.
Mo. OBITUARIES Miss June D. Bay. Miss June D. Bay, 21 years old, of 4317 Duke street, will be buried Monday in Calvary Cemetery after services at 10 a.
m. at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Delor street and Adkins avenue. She died Thursday.
The body is at Wacker-Helderle Chapel, 3634 Gravois avenue. Winfred Barr. Winfred Barr, 27 years old, who died yesterday, will be buried Monday in Memorial Park Cemetery after services at 10 a. m. at Kriegshauser Chapel.
4104 Manchester avenue. He lived at 4161 DeTonty street. Mrs. Marie Hedwig Blesse. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.
m. Monday at St. Trinity Lutheran Church, Vermont and Koeln avenues. for Mrs. Marie Hedwig Blesse, 66 years old.
of 6926 Michigan avenue, who died early today. Burial will be in Concordia Cemetery. The body is at Beiderwieden Funeral Home, 3620 Chippewa street. It will be taken to the church at noon Monday. Mrs.
Clara Boyd. Mrs. Clara Boyd, former St. Louisan, who died Thursday, will be buried tomorrow in Centralia, after services at Boggs' Funeral Home there at 2:30 p. m.
She resided in Centralia. Miss Carrie E. Griffith. Miss Carrie E. Griffith, who died yesterday morning, will be buried Monday in Bellefontaine Cemetery after services at 3:30 p.
m. at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, Goodfellow boulevard and Cates aveune. The body will be at Alexander Son's Chapel, 6175 Delmar boulevard, until noon Monday when it will be taken to the church. Miss Griffith was 85 years old. She lived at 5089 Cabanne avenue.
Edward M. Hake. The funeral of Edward M. Pake, 80 vears old, who died yesterday, will be held in York, Pa. Services will be held here at Wacker-Helderle Chapel, 3634 Gravois avenue, at 8:30 o'clock tonight.
Mr. Hake lived at 2810 Russell boulevard. Mrs. Anne Harris. The funeral of Mrs.
Anne Harris of 400 Marion avenue. Webster Groves, will be held at 8:30 m. Monday from Weick Funeral Home, 2201 South Grand boulevard, to Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Webster Groves, with burial in Calvary Cemetery. Mrs. Harris died yesterday.
She was 39 years old. William Huge. Funeral services for William Huge of 6215 Walsh street will be held Monday in La Porte. Ind. Local arrangements were handled by Beiderwieden Funeral Home, 3620 Chippewa street.
Mr. Huge was 72 years old. He died yesterday. Mrs. Sarah Jones.
Mrs. Sarah Jones, 80 years old, of 4589 Kennerly avenue, died yesterday. She will be buried Monday in New Picker Cemetery after services at 1 p. m. at Kriegshauser Mortuary, 4228 South Kingshighway.
Paul Kersting. Paul Kersting. 28 years old. who died yesterday, will be buried Monday in Old SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery after services at 9 a.
m. at St. George's Catholic Church, Gravois and Heege roads. He lived at 4938 Seibert avenue. The body is at John L.
Ziegenhein Son's Funeral home, 7027 Gravois avenue. Frank L. Kirk. The funeral of Frank L. Kirk, who died yesterday, will be held at 8:30 a.
m. Monday from Stock Mortuary, Grand boulevard and Florissant avenue, to Holy Name Catholic Church, Emily avenue and East Grand boulevard. Burial will be in Calvary, Cemetery. Mr. Kirk lived at 7532 Hoover avenue.
William Knopfel, William Knopfel, who died Thursday, will be buried Monday in St. Matthew's Cemetery after services at 2 p. m. at Kriegshauser Mortuary, 4228 South Kingshighway. He was 73 years old and lived at 3398 Maury avenue.
Mrs. Anna Marie Mack. Mrs. Anna Marie Mack, 54 years old. who died yesterday, will be buried tomorrow in Beemont, after services at 3:30 p.
m. at the Methodist Church there. The body will be at Mittelberg Funeral Home, 23 West Lockwood avenue, Webster Groves, until 1 p. m. tomorrow.
Mrs. Anna Laurie Miller. Mrs. Anna Laurie Miller of 4975 Reber place, who died yesterday at the age of 61. will be buried Monday after services at 10 a.
m. at Lupton Chapel, 7233 Delmar boulevard. Mrs. Emma Moreland. Mrs.
Emma Moreland of 1423 Benton street will be buried Monday in National Cemetery at Jefferson Barracks after services at 1:30 p. m. at Leidner Chapel, 2223 St. Louis avenue. She died Jesterday, Mrs.
Esther Oppenheim. Mrs. Esther Oppenheim of 1439 Burd avenue. who died yesterday at the age of 65. will be buried tomorrow after services at 10:30 a.
m. at Berger Memorial, McPherson and Walton avenues. Mrs. Bernice Perry. Funeral services for Mrs.
Bernice Perry, who died yesterday, will be held at 3 p. m. Monday at John L. Ziegenhein Son's Funeral Home, 7027 Gravois avenue. Mrs.
Perry resided at 1116 Bates street. Fred W. Ruenpohl. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m.
Monday at Stroot Carroll Funeral Home, 4600 Natural Bridge avenue, for Fred W. Ruenpohl, 59 years old, of 5359 North Euclid avenue. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Ruenpohl died Thursday. Hermann Schwarz.
Funeral services for Hermann Schwarz. who died Thursday night, will be held at 2 p. m. Monday at Sheldon Memorial, 3648 Washington boulevara. Cremation will follow.
Mr. Schwarz was 64 years old. He lived at 720 Clark avenue, Webster Groves. The body will be at Schumacher Funeral Home. 3013 Meramec street.
until 10:30 o'clock: tomorrow night. It will be at the memorial Monday. Mrs. Minnie Dolores Schell. The funeral of Mrs.
Minnie Dolores Schell of 6965 Pershing avenue will be held at 2 p. m. Monday from Alexander Chapel, 6175 Delmar boulevard. Cremation will follow. Mrs.
Schell was 60 years old. She died yesterday. Max A. Stevens. Max A.
Stevens, 57 years old, of 6126 Lalite avenue, died yesterday. He will be buried Monday in Memorial Park Cemetery after services at 2 p. m. at Kron Chapel, 2707 North Grand boulevard. Paul R.
Wagner. Paul R. Wagner of 4641 Maffitt avenue died early today. He was 66 years old. The funeral will be held at 1:30 p.
m. Monday from Schumacher Funeral Home, 3013 Meramec street, to New Picker Cemetery. George V. Werner. George V.
Werner, who died yesterday at the age of 83. will be buried Monday in Oak Grove Cemetery after services at 1:30 p. m. at John L. Ziegenhein Son's Funeral Home.
7027 Gravois avenue. He resided at 3171A South Grand boulevard. John Witzl. Funeral services will be held at 2 Monday at William M. Schumacher Chapel, 4834 Natural Bridge avenue, for John nue.
Burial will be in Zion Cemetery. Witzl, 64 years old, of 4633 Farlin aveMr. Witzl died Thursday. George D. Wobbe.
George D. Wobbe of 6301 Washington boulevard died yesterday at the age of 80. He will be buried Monday in New Picker Cemetery after services at. 3:30 p. m.
at Alexander Chapel, 6175 Delmar boulevard. VITAL STATISTICS Funeral Directors MATH. HERMANN SON FUNERAL PARLOR Fair i West Florissant GOodfellow 4880 EDWARD F. HOWARD SONS. 4212 ST.
LOUIS. NE. 3844. Florists NETTIE'S FLOWER GARDEN Funeral sprays, $2 up; baskets, $3 up. 3801 SOUTH GRAND.
GRand 9600. DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES BEHAN, Thursday, WILLIAM March H. 21, -Entered 1940, into at rest 7:40 p. dearly beloved husband of Alma M. Behan (nee Dircks), dear father of Alberta, Agnes, Elizabeth, William and Vincent, dear brother, brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and nephew, in his 43rd year.
Funeral Tuesday, March 26. 8:30 from family residence, 1520 Angelrodt street, to Holy Trinity Church. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flowers. HERMANN service.
BLESSE, MARIE HEDWIG (nee Koerner) -Of 6926 Michigan avenue. asleep in Jesus. Saturday, y. March 23, 1940. 2:30 beloved wife of Franz H.
G. Blesse, dear mother of Mrs. Theodore Predochl. Mrs. William Otten Verona, Martha and the late Ruth Blesse.
our dear sister, mother-in-law, sister-in-law. grandmother, aunt and cousin in her 67th year. Body will lie in state at BEIDERWIEDEN SOUTH SIDE FUNERAL HOME. 3620 Chippewa street, until 12 noon Monday. Services same day, 2 p.
nt St. Trinity Lutheran Church. Vermont and Koeln avenues. Interment Concordia Cemetery. Deceased was member of Ladies' Auxiliary Concordia Aid Association, Branch No.
16. DERBY. BERNARD T. (Buns)-Of 3642 Watson road, on Friday, March 22, 1940, at 11 p. beloved husband of Cecile Derby (nee Hazener), dear son of James Derby, dear father of Alice Steel, Eleanor Smith, Florence Zimmerly and Helen Fischer, dear brother, brother-in-law, grandfather and uncle.
Funeral from KRIEGSHAUSER MORTUARY, 4228 South Kingshighway boulevard. on Tuesday, March 26, at 8:30 a. to St. Gabriel's Church. Interment Calvary GRIFFITH.
CARRIE Passed away March 22, 1940, 8:15 a. sister of Fannie B. Griffith. Miss Griffith in state at the ALEXANDER CHAPEL. 6175 Delmar.
until noon Monday. Funeral from Church of the Ascension. Goodfellow and Cates avenue, Monday, 3:30 p. to Bellefontaine Cemetery. KIRK.
FRANK L. -Entered into rest on Friday, March 22, 1940, beloved husband of Theresa Kirk (nee Cullen), dear father of Mrs. Edward J. Hagelstein, Mrs. Thomas O'Donnell and Marie Kirk.
our dear brother, brother-in-law. father-in-law. grandfather and uncle. Funeral Monday, March 25. 8:30 A.
11., from STOCK MORTUARY. Grand and Florissant, to Holy Name Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. KNOPFEL. WILLIAM Of 3398 Maury, on March 21, 1940, beloved husband of Louisa Knopfel (nee Swal), dear father of Mrs.
Elizabeth Fresenberg. Mrs. Edna Dean, Mrs. Esther Harris, WilHam. Charles, Alfred, Herman, Walter and Lawrence Knopfel.
our dear brother, father-in-law, grandfather and uncle. Funeral from KRIEGSHAUSER MORTUARY. 4228 South Kingshighway, Monday, March 25, at 2 p. m. "Interment St.
Matthews Cemetery. MACK. ANNA MARIE (nee Heseman) Friday, March 22, 1940, 7:35 p. beloved wife of Walter Harold Mack, dear mother of Elizabeth C. and William James Mack, our dear sister, sister-inlaw, aunt and cousin.
Remains at MITTELBERG FUNERAL HOME 23 West Lockwood boulevard. Webster Groves, until 1 p. Sunday, March 24. Services and Interment nt Methodist Church, Beemont, 3:30 p. 11.
MILLER, ANNA LAURIE- On Friday. March 22, 1940, mother of Mrs. Eunice Sizer, sister of Mrs. J. D.
Sewell, Miss Pearle Slater, Mrs. C. W. Abell and L. Z.
and F. A. Slater. Private service at LUPTON CHAPEL. 7233 Delmar boulevard, Monday, 10 A.
m. Interment private. Please omit flowers. SCHWARZ HERMANN- Of 720 Clark avenue. Webster Groves.
suddenly on Thursday, March 21, 1940, at 9 p. beloved husband of Louise Schwarz (nee Rheinlander), dear father of Flora Nooter. Irene Kundermann and Arthur Schwarz. dear brother, brother-in-law. father-in-law, grandfather and uncle, age 64 years.
Remains in state at SCHUMACHER FUNERAL. HOME, 3013 Meramec street, until Sunday, March 24. at 10:30 p. m. Funeral service Monday, March 25 At Sheldon Memorial, 3648 Washington, at 2 p.
m. Incineration at Valhalla Crematory. WAGNER, PAUL Of 4641 Maffitt aveSaturday, March 23, 1940, at 5:30 a. relict of the late Anna Wagner (nee Honnelsen), and dear brother-inlaw of Mary Hammer, Julie Dilport and dear uncle and friend, age 66 years. Funeral from the SCHUMACHER FUNERAL HOME.
3013 Meramec street. Monday, March 25, at 1:30 p. to New Pickers Cemetery. WOBBE. GEORGE -Friday, March 22.
1940. beloved husband of Anna father of Martha M. Doenges and LeRoy Wobbe. dear father-in-law and grandfather. Funeral from the ALEXANDER CHAPEL.
6175 Delmar boulevard, on Monday. 3:30 p. to New Picker Cemetery. Mr. Wobbe was a past master Erwin Lodge No.
121, A. F. A. and member of Goodfellowship Club and Independent Evangelical Protestant Church. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found LOSER'S SERVICE BUREAU When you advertise A lost article or pet in the Star-Times, your advertisem*nt receives the benefit of free listing in our Loser's Service Bureau for a period of thirtv days.
If vou find an article or pet not listed In today's Lost and Found ads. or if you lose something of your own, take advantage of this service by calling CHestnut 6000. BROOCH -Lost: heirloom: gold engraved: reward. Office phone GArfield 0918. PIERCE WRIST WATCH diamond, downtown.
Reward. FO. 2028. POODLE- heavy white male: brown spot on cars; left leg little crooked: harness; child grieving: reward. FR.
7778. TARPAULIN Lost: between 4600 N. Broadway and McLaren and Halls Ferry reward. CEntral 2194. FOUND BY POLICE.
Ninth District- Personal A ANN: Please write or call immediately; children need you. FRED. Patents PATENTS--Personal service: advice free. LARSON, 567 Paul Brown Bldg. Legal Notices NOTICE TOLD ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS VIKING FREIGHT Co.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of Viking Freight Company will be held at the office of the company, 614 S. Sixth St. Louis. on the 8th day of April, 1940, at 9 o'clock, for the purpose of electing directors to serve during the ensuing year and to transact any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Bids will be received by the Board of Public Service of the City of St.
Louis, Room 208 City Hall, until 12 M. on April 16. 1940, for furnishing and delivers of Sterilizer Equipment for the New Hospital Building at City Hospital No. 1. Specifications may be obtained At the office of the President, Room 301 City Hall.
Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale PHONE HUDSON 1940 OR VISIT 3720 SOUTH KINGSHIGHWAY "BILL" DENHARD'S NEW LOCATION FOR PERSONALLY INDORSED CARS USED '39 Chevrolet Coupe '37 Ford 85 De L. Coach $330 '39 Hudson 6-92 Trg. Coach Hudson Coach, E. H. '33 Olds 6 Touring Coach 523 '37 Chev.
De L. Touring Coach '38 Coach 523 '37 Hudson Model 8-17 Tre. Sedan 445 '38 Terraplane Touring Sedan '37 Plymouth De L. Coupe 395 '38 Terraplane Coupe 493 '36 Ford 85 Coach 265 '38 Hudson 8-74 Trg. Sedan 525 Packard 120 Sedan 295 '37 Plymouth De L.
Tre. Coach 393 '35 Ford Sedan '37 Dodge Touring Sedan 425 '33 Plymouth PD Coach 163 '37 Terraplane 72 Trg. Coach 395 '32 Pontiac 6 Sedan 115 These cars have been reconditioned and majority have radios and heaters. Some carry our 1-year guarantee plan and others have a 60-day Written Guarantee. Liberal Trades -Easy C.
I. T. Terms W. B. DENHARD, 2801 Locust BUSINESS SERVICE Services Offered MOVERS- STORAGE.
McGuire's Bonded Moving: by room; furniture bought, exchanged. 1304 S. 13th. CH. 7870.
MOVING. storage: low rates; real service. Hansen, 2501 S. Broadway. GRand 4246.
PAPERHANGING. GUARANTEED papering, scraping, cleaning, paint washing, casing painting; reasonable, reliable. George, 6929 Dale. ST. 1436.
PLASTERING. PLANT Pennsylvania. -New and GR. repairing. 8546.
Restle, ROOFERS--SIDING. ROOFING. Guttering. Repairs. Settlemoir, 15044 Destrehan.
CE. 1913. SLATE and tile roofing: new and repairing. GO. 4911.
4929 Lexington. EDUCATIONAL Instruction school, college, law and accounting. CH. 0715. HELP WANTED Men, Boys DENT qualification and time; reference.
first detailed letter. salary in St with truck and car experience: must be honest; state age and salary. Box B-181, Star-Times. SALESMEN STEADY JOBS OPEN Splendid opportunity for experienced salesmen and crew managers. Small town and rural territory; producers earn good money: car no stock investment.
Write Maurice B. Crane, Room 9-H, 121 West Eighth Topeka, Kansas. SITUATIONS SITUATIONS Men, Boys CHAUFFEUR butler; colored: experienced: city refer. Howard. FR.
5353. HOUSEMAN willing chauffeur; worker. 22. CE. 7731.
colored; MAN- colored: cleaning. serve parties, maintenance; reference. PR. 8490 MAN- colored: work in filling station or housecleaning; ref. GO.
3892. PORTER- chauffeur, houseman; colored: reference. 3229 Olive. FR. 8976.
colored: janitor, night watchman, truck driver, any work; perienced; reference. Robert. FR. 3178. YOUNG MAN- colored: 25: expert in washing, service station or garage work: good chauffeur: consider anything.
NE 1993. Women, Girls GIRL- colored: good; cleaning; laundress; by day; ref. JE. 9832. GIRL colored: day work; cleaning; no laundry.
JE. 8171. colored: cooking, housework; stay or go; reference. JE. 7031.
GIRL colored; maid, housework. Willing to learn. FR. 4022. MAID- colored: hotel: housework: da, work; experienced.
JE. 4231. Call JE. 8193 m. Elizabeth.
cleaning, $1.50. colored; exp. cleaner, laundress; $1.60 by day. JE. 3060.
WOMAN- colored; day or week work; ref. FR. 2061. WOMAN- general housework: cook: no laundry; reference. FR.
2515. colored: housework, cleanlaundry: 3 or 4 days; steady, WOMAN liable: reference. FR. 4339. ROOMS FOR RENT Hotels ELM HOTEL Charles F.
Seiler, 1447 N. Broadway. GAr. 3700. Good rooms $2.50 week up.
25c day. Furnished ALASKA, 6318. near Carondelet ParkSleeping rooms: Gravois bus. RI. 6723W.
CLAYTON 6356-Near St. Mary's Hospital: room; private home. HI. 3118. CLEVELAND, 3666 Attractive room: private residence; gentleman.
PR. 5741. ENRIGHT. 5125-South front room for adjoins bath; board if desired. FLAD.
3830-Front sleeping: all conveniences; newly decorated; clean. 10WA, 3608-Clean, comfortable hallroom, only homelike surroundings. PAGE, 4548A-Homelike, single sleeping rooms; $2.50: board if desired. THEODOSIA, 5244A -Single rooms, kitchen privilege; employed. Private home.
VIVIAN. -Room. $3.50: for 1 or optional; private home; garage. NEATLY furnished, one large room efficiency: block east Kingshighway. FR.
8184. Housekeeping GERALDINE, 4536-One large front housekeeping; near bath. MU. 4346. LAFAYETTE.
2102 Small housekeeping: $1.50, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75: large. $3. $3.50: sinks, well heated: adults. MAGNOLIA, 3434A Front sleeping. or kitchen; private home.
SIMPSON 1741-You will be delighted with these 2 rooms: refrigerator, sink: newly decorated. Unusual for $6.50. Board and Room FOLSOM, 3622A (near Grand) -Nicely furnished, twin beds: only $6 each. ROOM AND BOARD- Single and double rooms. LA.
9951. Rooms-Homes to Share DELMAR. 5561, (3d East)-Young man roommate; twin beds: meals optional. FO. 9433.
Convalescent Homes PINE CREST Pensioners, invalids; low rates. Mrs. Bopp. Ballwin. WAlnut 360.
REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments SOUTHWEST BANCROFT. 6302-New. rooms: garage; open afternoons. A. J.
MEYER, PR. 3322. Apartments--Furnished and Unfurnished WEST 3 ROOMS: modern; sublease at loss: adjoining Forest Park; garage. HI. 8168.
Apartments--Furnished SOUTH PARK. 3616A 2-ROOM EFFICIENCY: NEWLY DECORATED: ADULTS. GR. 1230. WEST HAMPTON 3 rooms and sunroom: moddecorated: $25.
HI. 3133. SOUTH BANCROFT. 5341-3 lovely rooms: furnace heat; will decorate; $25. RI.
7393. GRAND, 4511A South-4 rooms. sleeping porch; rollaway bed: garage; awnings. MIAMI- West of Grand: 4 rooms: bath: FL. 3000.
vacant So April $28. Fred C. Schuepfer. a Shoe Continued From Page One. in the shoe minimum wage under NRA between men and women workers.
There was also a differential based on population. That is, in cities of more than 250,000, men were to be paid not than cents and women not less than cents. There were three such classifications--the lowest minimum applying to establishments in communities of 1 less than were 35 cents for men and 30 cents an hour for women. "Today a classification based on sex is prohibited in the statute (the wage-hour law). The committee decided against population classification." The shoe wage order, it was announced, will bring to more than 300,000 the number of workers whose wage rates, have been ordered increased the administrator.
Previously, wage recommendations, all above 30 cents but not above 40 cents an hour, have been approved for the textile, hosiery, millinery, knitted outerwear and knitted underwear industries. The statute itself increased the rates of 690,000 workers to 30 cents an hour. Undecided on Next Step. A. Myles Burton, secretary of the St.
Louis Shoe Manufacturers' Association, informed by the StarTimes today of the 35-cent wage minimum set for the shoe industry, asserted that further action by the association, which led the fight against the increased minimum, has not been decided. Burton said that as soon as the association is officially notified of the increase, a meeting probably will be called, at which a decision on any court action will be reached. Thomas L. Philips, attorney for the St. Louis manufactarers at the hearing before the wage and hour administrator, said smaller manufacturers probably would be forced to raise prices soon after any increase goes into effect and might find it necessary to lay off some workers.
He said he could give no figures at present in this connection. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wallace J. .4226 Hartford June Ballard. 829 Angelica Philip Martin.
..2423 S. Broadway Iramline V. .915 Allen Lawrence Morley, Mo. Annabell Baker. .....216 Lesperance Lowell D.
Orr. .3501 Hartford Mrs. Marjorie Krebs Coleman -3335 Cambridge Edward East St. Louis, Ill. Helen St.
Louis, Ill. Chaim 1439 Granville Mollie Spritz. 1215A Blackstone Joseph A. .2123 California Agnes R. L.
McPherson Frank Ill. Victoria East St. Louis, Ill. Walter L. North Market Laura Ill.
James William Maxwell. .5444 N. Union Gladys Hortense Hedley. .3329 McCausland Meyer M. .1357 Temple Rose Schneider .1335 Arlington Garner Jones.
2017, Geser Mrs. Mamie Twelfth Carl W. .5318 N. Union Mary Scannell Belleville, Ill. Edward Keith Claridge Mary F.
Hotel Edmond J. Elmendorf. .4127 Glasgow Illinoia C. .3201 Barrett John R. Harmon.
4012 Fairview Lucille M. 4525 McMillan James H. Kennedy. Richmond Heights Myra .4265 Cleveland Cozy D. Bailey.
2345 Chestnut Ethel L. Coleman. .2345 Chestnut Loran Edward Pattonville, Mo. Rosalie Elizabeth Tremont C. D.
Decatur, Ill. H. Decatur, 111. Ubert 111. Mary Darling risburg, Ill.
Marshall L. Darling. Harrisburg, Ill. Corinne Burlingame Ill. Wilfred Centralia, Ill.
Lois Odin, Ill. Edgar Charles Urbana, Ill. Irene McNaire. Champaign, Ill. Frank L.
Perkins. Ill. Geraldine Dabney. Normal, Ill, Ulysses 8. Miller.
Springfield, 111. Gwendolyn L. Ill. Richard Johnson. Campaign, Ill.
Alene Peyton Urbana, Ill. Garnet W. Williams Ill. Violet M. Rockwell.
Vandalia, Ill. Harry Wilcox. Bloomington, Ill. Mrs. Alice Truchon Bloomington, Ill.
ST. CHARLES. Frank Robbs Ill. Valda Swift Alma. Ill.
Darvin Hetzel Pocahontas. Ill. Marjorie Ortman ville, Ill. George S. Johns Webster Groves Aimee Reilly Kirkwood Robert Kline Louis James Miller St.
Louis Sidney Jamieson Maplewood Myrtle Putty Louis Alten Putty Brentwood Kathleen Burger Webster Groves Lewis Stearns Ill. Flora Myers Urbana, Ill. Joseph Turnbow Taylorville, 111. Dorothy Gillespie 111. Cecil Hughes Elmo.
111. Mae Randall Elmo. Ill. John Osborne Belleville. Ill.
Lorence Michan Belleville, BIRTHS. (If a birth does not appear in this corump within two weeks, the Health Department asks that parents request phys cians to send a record to the Bureau Vital Statistics. Roem 10, Municipal Courts Building. If birth occurring in St. Louis County does not appear, the parents are asked to request the physician to send a record to Dr.
Theodore R. Meyer, St. Louis County Health Commissioner, Clayton). BOYS. Kenneth and Selma Sturdevant, 3957 Fairview.
Francis and Norella Harl, Wellston, Mo. William and Geneva Bowles. 5185 Enright. Herbert and Adele Weller. 5992 Clayton.
George and Marg. Benoist 1525 Palm. Charles and Nina Williams, 1431A Buchanan. Vincent and Elsie Wieck, Jennings, Mo. Edward and Dorothy Peters, 4728A Lee.
Robert and Maury Morton, 4727A Palm. and Edna Sheble, 4537 Genevieve. Joseph and Hilda Heman, 4760A W. Florissant. John and Mary Ellen Schmitt, 4725 Cote Brilliante.
George and Mabel Cooper, 6129 Idaho. Richard and Ida Kuhn. 4410 Pennsylvania, Harold and Alice Niehaus, Florissant, Mo. Maurilius and Catherine Sikorski, 3856 Wyoming. Charles and Dorothy Stindel, 6205 Tholozan.
Anthony and Audrey Tieber. 2836A Gasconade. Axel and Ruth Arneson, 5295 Waterman. Anton and Lillian Frank. 4629 Tyrolean.
Jack and Elizabeth Yates, 2359 S. Compton. Lee and Mary Casebolt 1032 Hickory. Frank and Grace Mellinger. 3163A Iowa.
Adolph and Imogene Firle, 2505A S. Fourth. Sidney and Alvira Hammer. 4093 Blow. Levi and Nancy Thomure.
Silver Lake, Mo. Fred Third. and Geraldine Garcia, 1904A S. Carl and Wilma Halleman. 3205 S.
Ninth. Alvin and Burnett Filsinger, 7929 S. Broadw and Ruth Russell, 221 W. Schirmer (rear). Raymond and Veronica Steiger, 3322 Rutger.
GIRLS. Oloph and Dorothy Staclin, 4232 West Belle. Rudolph Clara E. Gano. Thomas and Marjorie Brennan, East St.
Louis, Ill. Henry and Grace Hempe, 3092 Neosho. Virgil and Esther Tarrant. 8807 Northerest lane. Frederick, and Agnes Walsh, Jr.
6619 Vermont William and Ann Donnelly, 3411 N. Fourteenth. Herbert and Emma Dawson. 2741A Eads. William and Irene Mirgain, 4456A S.
Broadway. John and Pearl Mocica (twins), 2531 Madison. Mervin Pauline Dietz, Kimmswick, Mo. George and Annabell Engelmeier, Valley Park. Mo.
Kenneth and Frances Carter, Clayton, Mo. Henry and Eleanor Pehl, Bavard. Frederick and Kathryn Schulzke, Glendale. Mo. Walter and Josephine Boncek, 1410 N.
Twentieth. William and Jennie Prouhet. Robertson. Mo. Carl and Dolores Moore, 4528 Enright.
REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Flats NORTH TILLIE, 1007A-3 large rooms, price $13. BAUMGARTNER-KUMMER, GO. 6221. NORTHWEST ARLINGTON, 1619A- TOOIA, furnace, $19. keys 1621A Arlington Flats--Furnished 3-23 SOUTH.
GEYER, 2628-2 large rooms and bath, well furnished; close transportation. McREE, 4175-4 rooms: modern; neatly furnished; adults; refrigeration. RI. 1181. Suburban Property RAMONA PARK.
DORA, 8942-3 nice rooms; garage; $15. AT. 875W. Oaklawn Park Entries Post: m. St.
Louis time) FIRST Claiming, 3-year-olds. RACE: Oaklawn course: xMiss Coed. 103; 103: Pal, 103; Silver Scotty. 113: High Crest, 113; Scotty 113; xMine Host. 108: xSwing Queen, 103: Vonceil.
108: xLittie Gate, 108; King, 108; Rosetta, 108. SECOND RACE Claiming. 4-year-olds and up, Oaklawn course: Shimmering. 108: Victor Eugo, 113; xTranswynn, 108; xMarconia, 103: Prevaricate, 113: Raymond, 116: Termison, 113; xGay Bill, 108: Imperial Maryan, 108; xGrey Dog. 108; xRich Cream, 103; xHueu.
108. THIRD RACE Claiming, 3-year-olds, Oaklawn Course: Gay, Sallie, 108; Eight and Six, 111: Winlette, 108: Buss, 113: Bad Boy, 108; xHigh Fair, 103; Joe Greenock. 113. FOURTH RACE Claiming. 4-year-olds and up, miles: Bold General.
115: xIndian Spa, 102; Inglenook, 112: Moonish. 110; Muscatine, 112; Whipstitch, 107; xPeachyple, 105; Star, 107; Eddie Gardner, 115; Upside Down, 112; xMontell. 107. FIFTH RACE-Allowances. 3-year-olds.
mile and 70 yards: Hope Call, 106; Endy, 109; Long 106; aMay Dig. 109; bSuper Chief, 106; Colorado Ore. 104: Potranco, 118; The Fop, 106: a Manyatime. 109: Mingling, 106; Bully Time, 101; Pink Gal, 107. aLe Mar Stock Farm; bMrs.
E. Denemark entry. SIXTH RACE-3-year-olds, mile and 70 yards: Jack Vennie, 109; Tramp Ship, 113: Barograph, 111: Sun Commando, 113: Spanish Jewel, 103; Indian Penny, 112; Little SEVENTH Gay, RACEClaiming. 4-year-olds. mile and 70 yards: Goodness Sake, 98; True Sport, 108; xOurs, 108; Chozn, 108; Whisk.
103; xMolida, 98: Indictment, 113; Branham. 116; Board Bill. 108; Bee, 111; Lillian 103; xGetaway Jack, 108. EIGHTH RACE Claiming. 4-year-olds and up.
miles: Big Brook, 112; xGustavia. 102: xSayloma. 102: White Bread. 112; xQuotum. 107; Mr.
Finn, 112: World War, 107: Way good Lad. 107; Sunwine, 107: Witful, 110. Apprentice allowance claimed. SEMI PROS ACT TO DO AWAY WITH RIOTS WICHITA. March N.
-There'll be no riots at the national semi-pro baseball tournament at Wichita in August if the management can prevent it. This was evident in the announcement today of Ray Dumont, president of the ur National Semi-pro Baseball congress, that no standing room or field accommodations would be sold at the tourney this year. A fortyfive-minute riot occurred during the finals last year when, because of the overflow ground rules were put into effect." EXHIBITION GAMES 00000 0000000 000 Batteries--Yankees: Grissom and Rosar. Cardinals: Warneke and Scheffing. PETERSBURG, FLA.
YANKEES 0100 0000000 CARDINALS SAN ANTONIO, TEX. TULSA Maneuse. Browns--Kennedy and Swift. 00000000000 BROWNS 1 100000000000 00000 FORT MYERS, FLA. GIANTS RHE 0 0 0010 00000000 INDIANS 00000000 00000000000 00000 Batteries--Giants: Vandenberg and Dan.
ning. Senators: Humphries and Hemsley. AT CLEARWATER FLA. TIGERS 6 9 00001 0 0 3 000000 DODGERS 0 1 1 2 5 0 000000 Batterie Newhauser, Fleming and Tebbetts. Parsons.
Dodgers: Carleton, Fitzsimmons and Harte, Phelps. AT SARASOTA, FLA. BEES 2 3 9 RHE 0 0 6 000000 000000 RED SOX 200100 000000 Batteries -Bees: Tobin, Coffman and Lopez. Red Sox: Rich, Harris and Desautels. OCALA, FLA.
SENATORS 0 0010000 000 00000 MILWAUKEE 000001100000 00000 Batteries--Senators: Leonard, Krakauskas and Ferrell, Early. Milwaukee: Kline and Garbark. AT HAVANA, CUBA REDS 6 00002 0000000 CUBAN ALL-STARS 0000 Batteries--Reds: Walters and Baker. Cuban All-Stars: Carcia Guerra. AT WEST PALM BEACH, FLA.
PHILLIES 3 0000000000 ROCHESTER 21 0000000000 Batteries-Phillies: Johnson and War. ren. Rochester: Lyons and Beal. TODAY'S HOME RUNS. Greenberg, Tigers 1 WEBSTER GROVES.
PACIFIC, 804-Nice 5 rooms, sun porch; garage: $32.50: lots of fruit. HI. 0293. Business Property FACTORY SITE 20 acres: well located n. hard edge of city: road: street car.
JE. 6863. CLAYTON, 4108 -Near Superhighway: office 20x30; loading docks, 50: lot 50x120. storage 20- JE. 6863.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Residences WEST WILL SELL my 5-room residence to man steadily balance monthly. employed; small down payment, Call ST. 0100. Suburban Property ST. JOHN'S STATION.
ELLIOTT 8710-4-room brick: basem*nt garage, tile kitchen and bath; excellent condition. ST. 0100. Business Property FILLING STATION SITE St. Louis County; worth investigating.
Box B-190, Star-Times. Grocery Store Location Present owner will finance lot and new building. Box B-189, Star-Times. MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous MILLWOOD FOR SALE 8600 PAGE Household Goods Wanted BEST prices for furniture, linens, bedding, utensils, chinaware. Molloff, JE.
9008. Household Goods BED SPRING, mattress. rug. dresser and icebox, reasonable; no dealer. 6164 Raymond.
Typewriters UNDERWOOD, Royals; rented 3 $3. Louis T. W. 718 Pine. MA.
1162. RENTALS, 3 Free Service. National T. W. 1123 Locust.
GA. 2242. Coal and Fuel 1 TON, 4x2, WASHED, $3.75 Lump or egg, ton, ton. 2, $8. Benton 825 S.
23d. CH. 0970. BLUE Bonnet lump or furnace coal; $4.75 per ton, 2 tons or more. Call Callahan, 3924 Duncan.
FR. 1365. FOR clean coal, ton or more, $3.50 up. Call PA rkview 3349. L.
F. 6023 Clemens. GENUINE MOUNT OLIVE Washed and Oil-Treated Stoker Coal. 6-inch lump. 84.15; washed egg.
$4.50: 1 ton 01 more. Thomas, 2707 Parnell. CE. 0663. PERRY CO.
or Blue Seal Mt. Olive, 12-ton 82.65. nut $3.50. Indiana Egz. $5.50.
Baldwin, 827 S. 23rd. CE. 0040. 7-INCH LUMP or 1x3 egg.
ton $2.23. ton $1.25, $7.15. 3 $11.25. Ace, Chouteau. LAclede 3160.
WE DELIVER BASKET COAL or Petroleum co*ke in bags, also in Brickette packages. GO. 3144-EV. 0134. A.
R. T. Coal, 6331 Wells. CLEAN COAL -Lump or egg. A nut.
$3.25. Watson, 3311A LaSalle. PR. 6997. BAKERS COAL clean washed coal: good price.
4207 Garfield. JEfferson 3927. STOKER. $3.50 ton: nut, 3 tons, $10. Horton, 3034 Chouteau.
FINANCIAL Loans on Real Estate WILL make loans to individual parties owning homes, flats or apartments. Please give details. Box L327. Star Loans on Automobiles SEE Southwest Bank first for a loan; low rates: easy to repay: fast service. PR.
5900 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Business for Sale WANTED -Long haul driver with $300 to invest in new tractor: contract guarana teed. Box B-187, Star-Times. TOURIST CABINS, general store, filling station: Highways 66 and 17. 4854 Bircher MU. 8622.
Partners Wanted PARTNER WTD. In established amusem*nt company; working interest. In vestment of $1,000. Money secured. Box F-267.
AUTOMOTIVE Wanted -Automobiles ALL AUTOS bought, cash: see us first. KLINK. 2213 South Grand. PR. 8922.
Automobiles for Sale FORD BUYER FEW OF OUR BARGAINS Down Payment 1937 Ford Tudor. 1936 70 1935 Ford Tudor. 60 1937 Ford 90 1936 Ford 70 1935 Ford Coupe. 60 WE HAVE LARGE STOCK OF ALL MODELS AND TYPES Open Evenings WEBER-DEIBEL 2555 N. GRAND Flats COACHES.
'36 PLYMOUTH coach: used very little: will sell: $210. 3132 S. Grand. STUDEBAKER CHAMPIONS 1939-1940 (demonstrators) 2-doors and counes: low mileage: priced right for quick sale. SEE US NOW.
126 E. Lockwood. RE. 3333. SEDANS.
'38 PLYMOUTH sedan: radiator shell and grill damaged; $190. 3024 Locust. TRADES UNION: LABEL COUNCIL.