Planning to buy, sell, build or rent a property soon? Looking for just the right one? Say no more. There are hundreds of listings which are available here and on-line at Stop by today and see for yourself! DEADLINES: For Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Publication the deadline is the day before. For Saturday, Sunday Monday publication the deadline is the preceding Friday. Prepayment required (without prior approved credit).
ADVERTISE IN The Daily Item THE DANVILLE NEWS Extras into extra cash 570-286-5671 There is always a first time for everything Have you profited by us- ing the Want Ads? 570-286-5671 Lrg garages, 35'x25', 2 fls, $195. All sizes. Both sites 570-966-2977 North'd: split costs. bk-ground 910-734-2023. Milton: 3BR on lot, well, septic, nice yard.
$38,000. 570-742-6329 Mifflinburg: 3BR m.h. sm. shed. $550.
570- 922-4184 no Sun. calls Mifflinburg, rural, 3BR, 2BA, no priv. setting.570-922-1811 FINE LINE HOMES Lewisburg 570-524-7333 J-C MODULAR HOMES Rt. 11, Northumberland. 570-275-1115 570-524-7500 or 570-742-0500 570-837-7500 SQUARE DIEHL REALTY, INC Sales Appraisals Rentals 570-286-6344 Montgomery: Stately brick, on 1.17A, 3 car natural oak woodwork, open staircase, out of flood area.
$170K. For details or to view 570-547-6125. MIFFLINBURG, 4BR, 2BA, newly remod. A Must See! COLDWELL FLECK AGENCY MLS: 09-39672; 570-275-3773 COLDWELL BANKER Penn One Real Estate 331 Market St, Lewisburg 570-524-7500 570-742-0500 570-837-7500 570-743-2165 570-286-8594 570-523-2165 APFELBAUM REALTY 342 Market Call 570-286-2111 521 North Derr Drive Lewisburg, PA 570-523-3244 WINFIELD sm. 1BR in country, incl.
$395 sec. ref 570-524-7172 W. Milton, 3BR. dbl. No $590.
Lws'g SD 570-568-1850 Sunbury, 3BR 1.5BA farmhouse, $675: Rural 1BR apt. all utils incl. $500: 2BR dbl, 109 S. Awl, $400. 570-556-7374 Sunbury 3BR, 1BA, pets.
$500 sec dep. 570-898-0110 Sunbury 2BR dbl, incl. No pets, sec. dep. 570-286-1837 SHAMOKIN: Spacious attached house, gas heat, 1.5BA, 3BR, dish hk-up.
Lease, mo. sec. dep. req. $425.
570-640-5822, 9am- noon only. Shamokin: 4BR, uitl. Motel, Rt.11/15, 570-743-0800 Shamokin Twp, House 1 acre for rent or sale. 570-648-8001 Selinsgrove: Lg. 3BR, dbl, gas heat, No pets.
570-374-9715 Selinsgrove: 5 mi S. 3BR, dbl, in- cld. $550. 570-374-2655 Selinsgrove: 5 mi S. 3BR, dbl, in- cld.
$550. 570-374-2655 Selinsgrove: 3BR no pets, ref inc. $700. 570-274-6937 Selinsgrove 2BR 1BA 1st fl $525 3BR, 2.5BA, 2 car townhouse, $950 Call Brandy 570-374-8185 (office) 570-274-1689 (cell) www.savidgehousing Selinsgrove dbl, 2BR, No smok- ing $450 570-374-2517 Selinsgrove dbl 3BR, newly remod- eled. Appl inc.
570-716-6901 Port Trevorton: 4BR, 1.5BA, Yd. $675, sewer incld. 570-847-7112. Milton, Stanton Ave, 3BR, $475 sec. No 570-742-9061 Mifflinburg 3BR twnshse, incl.
$625 mo. 570-473-1025 Lewisburg: Up-Scale, 3bd, Nicely Furnished Cape Cod, Hdwd Fls, New Garage, Boro, Nice lot, 607-426-7991 COLDWELL BANKER Lewisburg 2BR, 2.5BA from $1250 3BR, 1.5BA from $825 3BR, 2.5BA from $900 from $800 4BR, 2.5BA from $1500 5BR, 3.5BA from $2300 Mifflinburg 3BR, 2BA from $650 4BR, 2BA from $1000 Milton Home 3BR, 1.5BA from $750 PENN ONE REAL ESTATE 570-524-7500 coldwellbanker LEWISBURG, historic district: 2BR dbl, wd fls. Off st prkg. No pets. $650.
570-523-0818 LEWISBURG, HIST. restored 3BR, cen. Air, new laun- dry, great garage, $795 Call 570-490-2922 Lewisburg 3BR, newly remodled, no pets, ten- ants pay utilities $675. 570-966-9858 Lewisburg 2BR $800 Lewisburg 3BR twnhse $860 Lewisburg 3BR $1000 Lewisburg 4BR $1400 Mifflinburg 4BR $900 Prudential Hodrick Reality 1100 W. Market Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 523-1000 Dewart, Gorgeous 3BR 1.5BA twnhse hkup.
Big closets! 570-538-3184 OFFICE SPACE: Per- fect for start-up or grow- ing businesses. Single rooms suites avail. immed. Heat, elec, internet included. Attrac- tive rates terms.
Buffalo Township, Union County location. Call 570-568-1412 Lewisburg 1,800 sq. ft. office space Lewisburg 1,651 sq. ft office space Lewisburg (2) 2 Room office suites each.
Prudential Hodrick Reality 1100 W. Market Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 523-1000 SELINSGROVE-PENN TWP MEADOWVIEW ESTATES PHASE III FOGARTY HOMES 570-523-3203 Mifflinburg, sewer hook up included. 570-922-1346 Lewisburg 4 lots: acres New Berlin 2 lots: 6 or 8.5 acres Prudential Hodrick Reality 1100 W. Market Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 523-1000 White Deer Efficiency 1st fl, 2 rm no pets, ble inc. 570-538-2081 Swengel: 1BR, appl.
Incld. Call 570- 922-1479. Sunbury: Furn. eff. in- clds 436 Race St.
570-286-5285 Sunbury: 1BR, Gas heat. No pets. Off st. pkg. 570-374-9715.
SUNBURY: 1,2 3 BR, incl 570-523- 0183 www.susquehanna Sunbury, Lg 2BR, $480. Large 2BR, fully furnished $750; 1BR, $430. 570-672-1944 Sunbury Hill, 2BR inc. prk $445 sec. 570-473-8015 Sunbury 3rd fl, 1BR, heat $375 no no smoking 570-286-0063 Shamokin Dam: Lg.
1BR, car- peting, off st. lots of storage space, no $360. 570- 473-0362. Sunbury 1BR, 2nd fl, Chestnut St. off st.
prkg. Avail Selinsgrove: Lg 3BR, Gas Heat, Appl garbage incld. NO PETS $550 per month. Call 570.274.6937 SELINSGROVE: 2BR townhouse. Incl No pets.
717-298-1690 Selinsgrove, 2BR 2nd fl, inc. $450 sec. No pets 570-898-8806 Selinsgrove 3BR inc. Credit Req. Lg yd.
No pets. 570-743-6311 Northumberland: 1st fl, 1BR, hk-up, no pets, $400. 570-279-0760 Northumberland lrg. fur. 1BR, garage $525 570-473-3348 Northumberland 1BR, 2nd fl, heat incl.
570-286-1128 Mountain View Estates 2 BR townhouse avail- able in Elysburg. Rent is income based starts at which inclds. Water, sewer trash re- moval. Laundry facility on-site maintenance is provided. No pets al- lowed.
Equal Housing Opportunity. Please con- tact Ann at 570-672- 9083 MILTON: Georgetown Apts, 3 BR. 570-742- 7165 or 570-246-9079. Milton: 1BR, incl No pets. 1 yr lease.
$325 sec. 570- 490-0783 Milton, 2BR, 2nd fl down- town. new kitchen, bath, appls. ww carpet. avail.
now. $455 sec. ref. 570-742-9684 days, 570-742-9323 Milton, 1st fl, 1BR, frig, sewer incl. no pets, 570-742-3236 Milton 2BR, 570-742-2149 COLDWELL BANKER Lewisburg 1BR, 1BA from $575 1BR, 1BA FURNISHED from $525 3BR, 1BA dbl from $650 3BR, 1.5BA, dbl from $800 Middleburg 2BR, 1BA from $575 Mifflinburg 3BR, 1BA from $550 Millmont Room 1BR, 1BA from $650 Milton 1BR, 1BA from $450 3BR, 1BA from $550 Northumberland 1BR, 1BA from $350 2BR, 1BA from $400 West Milton 3BR, 1.5BA from $590 Winfield 1BR, 1BA efficiency from $325 1BR, 1BA from $425 PENN ONE REAL ESTATE 570-524-7500 coldwellbanker Lykens, 1 2 BR, sec.
No 570-573-3469 Apts 1 2BR carpet, AC. $350 $495. 717-436- 6982. Lewisburg: 2BR, $625, avail. 3BR, $775, avail.
Convenient to downtown, off-st pkg. 570-524-2300, ext 21 LEWISBURG, sm. 2nd fl 2 BR, appl incl. $350 utils. Call 570-524-5765 Lewisburg Beautiful 1BR on site laundry.
Must See! $600 570-742-1438 LEWISBURG 2nd fl, 2BR, in- cl. $600. 570-524-4156 Lewisburg 2BR, no $595 inc 570-523-3575 Lewisburg 2BR furn. $950 Prudential Hodrick Reality 1100 W. Market Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 523-1000 Apartments For Rent: 2BR 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors available Lewisburg $630-650 water, sewer garbage 2BR 1st or 2nd floor, Downtown Lewisburg $500 Homes for Rent: 3BR, 2BA bi-level, E.
Lewisburg 4BR, 2BA ranch, Lewis- burg 3-4BR, 1.5BA, 2 story garage West Milton $550 utilities 3BR, 1.75BA, ranch, Selinsgrove ties 3BR Country Farmhouse New Columbia Contact Don Spiller at: Villager Realty, Inc. 521 Derr Drive Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-523-3244 AN EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY NEWSPAPER All real estate adver- tising herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to ad- vertise any prefer- ence, limitation or dis- crimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national ori- gin or intention to make any such prefer- ences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowing ac- cept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby in- formed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Classifieds! Call 570-286-5671 Sunbury: Indoor Moving Sale.
7-1. 121 Arch St. HH, ap- pliances, SUNBURY Shamokin: Huge Indoor Sale, 147 E. Indepen- dence St. 28, 8- 5.
furn, col- lectibles, nic-nacs, linens, HH, Bar signs, name brand clothing. To much to list. SHAMOKIN North'd: Garage Sale. 28, 8-2, turn right to 127 Fryling 1 blk above Sby PPL. Everything must go! NORTHUMBERLAND New Columbia Moving Sale, Mar.
28, 8am-7pm, Rt 15, NC exit, turn rt, 5.5 mi. W. left onto Stra- han Rd, follow signs. NEW COLUMBIA MILTON: Moving Sale. 903 N.
Front 8- 2. holiday HH items, too much to mention- all must go! MILTON LEWISBURG, Kids Mar- ket, Fri. 9-3, Sat. All day price. 8- 12, Christ Lutheran Church Co-op Preschool.
100 S. 3rd St. LEWISBURG Danville: Sale. 8-? 9 S. Academy located between GMC St.
Cyril Academy. kit. items, cabinets, an- PH dishes, clothes, exercise equip. toys. Danville Yard Sale 7-11 am Saturday, March 28th 113 Bloom Street Household items, mens, womens, teenagers' clothing (name brands), some sports' items DANVILLE Allenwood ESTATE Sale 8:00 AM Saturday, March 28th 3233 State route 44 mile north of in- tersection of route 15 44) Many household items, some furniture, craft supplies, large vari- ety of tools, lumber, kin- dling, and MUCH more! ALLENWOOD 570-286-5671 Call 570-286-5671 Extras into extra cash 570-286-5671 CLASSIFIEDS WORK! Phone 570-286-5671 Read'em and reap.
You can in when you advertise in Classified. Storing An Antique or two? Sell them fast with a Want Ad Lost: Female dog, out- side Selinsgrove area, spot- ted, long-legged, Jack Russell. 570-374-1433 FOUND: Newfoundland, Watsontown area, Call 570-916-5798 FOUND PUPPY, 4th St. in Sunbury area. Call to identify.
570-847-5804 FOUND DOG: male white Poodle mix. Rt 11 Northumberland 570- 286-5131 FOUND DOG: female white Terrier mix. Sixth St in Sunbury. 570-286- 5131 FOUND DOG, Rat Terri- er or Chihuahua inter- section of RT out- side of Kulpmont. 570- 988-6483 The Daily Item en- courages you to use caution when giving away your pets.
Please do your best to insure that the animal will be raised in a safe environment and is not being taken only to be re-sold for a profit. FREE TO GOOD HOME: Cat, calico 4 yrs. old. De- clawed, housebroken. Call 570-271-1599.
FREE (3) 8 mo old kit- tens, 570-556-6735 CAT, Adult female, spayed declawed. Cal- ico, Call Luv Pets 570- 286-1895 for interview with Jan. ANIMAL PLEASE any ads that appear in this category may require an adoption fee. WANTED: Watches, old or new, cash paid for all. Call 570-966-8866 WANTED: TV screen, not larger than Late model but not digital.
Gd. cond. 570-743-1911 WANTED: post cards, Hess trucks, stamps, watches, toys, coins, photos prints. 570-506-0071 WANTED: Old silver gold coins, clad halves, sterling flatware, scrap 570-672- 570-259-0171 WANTED: Jeep CJ's '76-'86, for parts, any condition, title not need- ed. 570-441-1730 WANTED: Bose wave sys.
For home, sm. or larger. Gd. Cond. Call 570-743-1911 Wanted to Buy, farm equip scrap, tin, large items, Have torch will travel 570-339-2063 WANTED TO BUY Hay rake, Hay baler, Hay binder.
Reasonable price. 570-286-2546 WANTED Recumbent exercise bike. Reason- able price. Please Call 570-374-9102 Fixer-Upper homes in Shamokin area. Have cash.
Call 848-448-7447 CALL NOW WANTED: Childrens Swingset or Playset 570.898.8242 WANTED Transmission working Ford AOD for a 4x4 year 1986 thru 1991. 570-538-3202 leave message. TV: RCA 25'' Console tv remote. Beautiful picture surround sound. Dk Wd, $50 570-374-7180 TV: 32'' Toshiba re- mote guide video in- puts.
$75. 570-743-5930 Boxes: (2) new analog converter. Never used. $40 each. 570-966-2947 VISE: $30 570-524-7158 SAW: Jog stand.
$45. Call 570-473-3629 Power sprayer, Camp- bell Hausfeld, Pro Home, 2tips, mint. cond. 1750PSI, 1.7 GPM. $125.
570-490-1677 DRILL Floor model. $100. Call 570-648-8584 Craftsman 8hp, like new. $250; Everlast heavy bag 3 pr. gloves, $75.
570-524-6774. CEMENT MIXER: Elec. Motor. Good condition. Price $150.
Call 570- 966-1118 Waders: Cabella Neo- prene, chest style, 83- 0827, Felted boot, sz. E9S. $100. Call 570- 648-3872 SET: set of Wilson Golf Clubs, 1200 iron 4300 woods, balls, bag, very gd. Cond.
$175. Call 570-524-7144. Punching gloves: 70 lb. of gloves Like new. $75.
Call 570- 758-1795. Bikes: 1960s Foremost Girl's, single spd, $30; open road, single spd, Men's bike, $30. Both for $50. Call 570-524-7158 BIKES: (2) girls, 12'' $25.00, 16'' $30. Good cond.
570-988-0534 Thrower: Snow, Agway, 8HP, elec. start, dual stage, exc. cond. $200. 570-275-5261.
CLARINET: Signet Flat wood clarinet. One owner. $200. 570-672- 2908 WEED EATER: Toro, attachment. $50.
Call 570-966-8866. Trimmer: Sidewalk, new blade, works fine. $5. Call 570- 523-0583. TRACTOR: Arion rear engine 8hp riding trac- tor, very good condition.
$300. 570-286-1319 Set: Dk. green high back porch chairs re- movable cushions table to match. $30 for all. 570-837-3056.
MULCHER: KEMP, elec. Grass mulcher. $40. Call 286-6580. MOWER: Lawn $20 570-524-7158 MOWER: Craftsman electric with 100 ft cord.
$65 570-437-3496 FRAME: stained, wood- en swing. Free standing, like new, no swing. $10. 570-672-2908 Wheel chair: Jet, electric, $150. Call 570-648-8584 Playstation: 2 Grand Theft Auto 3, $10.
Call Mike at 570-713-9045. TABLE: Coffee, octagon end ta- ble, Gd. Cond. All for $99. Call 570-966-3729 TABLE: Antique, ext.
type heavy carved legs, needs assembled refinished. $100. Call 570-523-0583. FUTON: new all wood frame, $150 Call 570- 473-9872 DESK: wooden, older style, 7 drawers, ornate hardware, $25. Call 570- 275-5261.
CHINA TOP for PA House cherry breakfront style, 4 drs. No base. $50. Call 570-523-0583 CHEST: Cedar blanket, $75. OBO.
Call 570-220-3833 CHAIRS: Kitchen, chrome, (4). $20 for all. Call 570-523-0583 CHAIRS: (2) carved Queen Anne parlor, Exc. condition. $65 ea.
Or both for $120. Call 570- 374-0443. Chair: Lazy Boy, bur- gundy, accent, not re- cline. Very good cond. Great buy.
$30. Call 570-412-2283 Center: wood entertain- ment, gls doors, hidden storage, fits up to TV. $40. Call 570-966- 2332. Center: Entertainment, full gls dr, video stor- age shelves, casters.
Very nice. $65. Call 570- 275-5261. Bench: Furn. upholster- ing, used by PA House (2)-3'x4'x2' on wheels, steel frames, $15 ea.
Call 570-523-0583. BEDROOM SUIT: 5 pc. white, 4 poster bed canopy. $200. 570-286-4700 Ad: Patio Furniture Warehouse Sale April 16th-May 30th Thursdays Fridays 4-7 Saturdays 9-4 American Holtzkraft Inc.
9754 Route 35 Mt. Pleasant Mills Pa 17853 570-539-8945 Dell GX110, 1GHZ pro- cessor, comp. sys. XP operating sys XP Office in- stalled. $50.
Call 570- 490-5623 (2) DVD burner, $25 Zune 8GB, blk, player. Like new. $100. Call 570-758-1795. Slippers: Hand crochet, knee high, bedroom.
Machine washable. One size fits all. $2. ea. 570- 286-0371 SHOES: Men's and sneakers, sz 7.5-8, right shoe built up.
Call 570- 743-4331. GOWN: Size 14, Alfred Angelo. Blue. Worn once. $50.
Call 570-797-4596. GOWN: Prom, emerald, strapless, sequin bodice, ruffled tiered skirt. Size 7-9. $75. Call 570-522- 9230, after 6 p.m.
GOWN: Jessica McClin- tock, Sz. 14, sleeveless, plum, flr length ing jkt. $70. OBO. 570- 898-0912 DRESSES: 2 womens, black party, Sz.
14 12. $15 ea. 570-797-4596 CLOTHES: Bulk: Sold by size, Young men (12- 32); Tots, 2T-3T; mater- nity. Call 570-538-4326 LOTS: (3) in Globe Mills Cemetery, Kreamer, $475 for all 3. 570-742-3415 Cameras: Polaroid Time Zero One Step land, $25; Polaroid One Step in flash, $25.
Call 570-524-7158. Vanity: 5' bathroom, medicine lights, $100; matching cast iron tub, $50. 570-797-4318 Timber: oak or pine, beams from old barn about 40x10x13' long, stacked in pile. Make of- fer. 570-524-7144 Tar Paper: 1.5 rolls for roof, $12.
Call 570-524-7158 Garage Doors: (3) wood- en, 9'x7', used. $50 ea. Or all 3 for $100. Call 570-524-4054. DOORS: Int.
4 panel 32x80, $5 each. Call 570-523-0583. Doors: 16, wood; 8, win- dows; 16pr. shutters from 1867 ianate home. 570-742- 2934, after 3 p.m.
NOVELS: (5) James Patterson ''Alex Cross'' $1.50 each; (8) assort paperbacks each. 570-374-1293 Magazines: 20 copies of Player Strictly $5 for all. Call 570-286-7192 BOOKS: 75 hardcover fiction books, most are mystery suspense. Must take all. $30.
570- 374-1671 lv msg. BOOKS: paper- back fiction books, most are Must take all. $30. 570- 374-1671 lv msg. BED: Single, complete, $95.
Call 570-473-3629 BED: leather king size frame, black, PA House $350. 570-743-2204 BED: Diego Ready Bed, inflatable pump carry bag. Never slept in. $25. 570-809-2738 TRAVEL SYSTEM: inc.
Evenflo stroller ing infant car seat 2 bases. $100. Price neg. 570-742-4494 until 9pm Lamp, teddy bear, rug curtains, $15 all; boy's crib bedding, bumper pad, and $45 for all. 570-797-4596 CLOTHING SHOES: Boy's 0-18 mos.
Great shape, reasonable prices. 570-797-4596. Carseat, NB; 2nd stroller set; playpen; bassinet; wooden booster seat; educational toys; diaper genie. 570-538-4326 Baby Crib: White, full sz Very gd. cond.
mobile. $90. Call 570-412-2283 WHEELS: (2) 15'' white spoke, (6) lug spacing fits camper or trailer. New condition. $20.
570-286-4725 Tires: tube- less, Wards, full tread (2) 600-15L nylon tube- less, full winter tread, $5 ea. 570-523-0583 TIRES: (4) P175x70R14 $40. 570-524-7158 TIRES: half tread, $50. Call 570-797-4318 RAMPS: A pair of heavy duty car ramps. Exc.
cond. LINER: Truck bed. $35. Call 570-473-3629 Hitch: Draw Tite fits '95-'05 Chevy Blazer S- 10; 00-01 Trail Blazer; '98-00, envoy or '95-00, Brevera. 570-473-7934 CAP: For flare side Ford, early 19902, fiber- glass.
$250. Call 570- 837-1231, after 6 p.m. Alternator: Subaru, fits many '80s applications. $5. Call 570-490-5623 Wood stove, $825; 5cords split wood, $500; Stihl chain saw MS-390, $425.
570-644-1716 TOYS: Little Tikes, full sz 4' Barbie doll house $45. Nice Easter surprise. Call 570-412- 2283. TOY: Geo trax grand central station set. Great cond.
Hardly played with. $25 for set. Call 570-966-7559 Tester: electrical, Fluke, T5-600. $20. Call 570- 524-7158 SLIDES: (2) 10' plastic wave slides for outdoor gym set.
$75 each. Call 570-758-1795. SETS: Topps baseball card sets 1988,1989, 1990, 1991; Also Fleer 1990 $20 each. 570- 275-1800 Seats: Bike, (2), $10 bed rails, $25; (2) car seats, $10 ea; girls clothes, Inf-3T. Call 570- 271-1476 or 570-490- 2000.
POTS: cement flower $25 570-524-7158 PORTRAIT Package: Sears, value $110. ask- ing $75 obo. Call 570- 713-1765. PILLARS: Pr. of wooden portable, at top for a metal pipe, in- cld.
For hanging cloth- ing. $25. 570-988-0534 Paint Gun, Homer air- less, paint gun. Used once. $5.00.
Call 570- 490-5623. METAL DETECTOR: Garrett Ace 250, cover, head phones $250. 570-743-7426 day 570-837-3857 night. LIGHT: Tiffany style hanging light; amber and white; 16''wx11''h. $35.
570-524-0888 LIGHT: dusk to dawn photo-cell street light round steel pole. Good cond. $250 OBO 570-863-0173 LIGHT FIXTURE: circu- lar for DR. 17''wx12''h (6) 60w max. lamp lights etched glass pan- els.
$25. 570-988-0534 Jeep: Barbie, $25. Call 570-648-8584 CoverIt: 12'x28'x8', open both ends. $550. Ideal for 570-538-5426 COOLER: Igloo Kool Mate 56 dual cooler, 12V DC or 120 AC, 1.9 cu.
ft. $40. neg. Call 570-473-9190 COOKWARE: Pampered Chef Executive. saute pan.
Pd. $90. Ask- ing $80. 570-966-9196 CHANDELIER, brass with 8 arms (8 lights). Make offer.
570-966- 2332 Certificates: gift for resi- dential pest control at auction. Asking of retail value, BO. Call 570-336-6312 CANNER: Granite water bath canner good cond. $20. Call 570-988-0534.
STOVE: Maytag electric, hardly used. $75. 570-437-3496 Refrigerator: top freezer, glass shelves, white. $175. Call 570-966-8866 REFRIDGERATOR: Amana 36'' white side by side, $175.
Call 570- 765-7015 DISHWASHER: Haier 18'' wide portable. Like new. Holds up to 6 set- tings. $275 OBO 570- 205-9855 WINDOWS, old antique windows, $3.00 each. Please call 570-713- 1765 WASHING MACHINE: 1940's style GE antique washing machine.
$75. OBO. 570-490-5623 Vintage Lincoln Beauty- Ware 4pc. set, copper specks, inclds. no-name copper breadbox flour.
$15. 570-490-5623 PLAYER: 8 TRACK. $100. 570-286-0371 PLATES: (3) Norman Rockwell collectors plates. $15 for all.
570- 524-9381 Milk Can $25. Call 570-524-7158 DIECAST: Franklin Mint, Harley Davidson Easy Rider ultimate chopper. 1:10 scale $100 New in box. 570-644-1954 CUPBOARD: Old, built- in, corner. $300.
Call 570-286-4927. ATTENTION CLASSIFIED CUSTOMERS The Daily Item and the Danville News will make every attempt to protect our readers from the few individu- als who would use the classified ads for dis- honest means. Howev- er, we encourage the public to be mindful of potential scams, and to report any suspected wrong-doing to us im- mediately at 570-286- 5671, or 1-800-792- 2303. Thank you. Dog house, small size for $35 lg size for $45.
Call 570-473-3629. CAGE: Lg. Bird accessories toys. Gd. Cond.
$40. Call 570- 286-0218 The newspaper does not verify the authenticity of the items found in these categories. As with any transac- tion, while most of the sellers may be sincere, we urge our readers to use caution. RN will do home care Fri- day Sunday night shifts, 570-742-3917 with Class A CDL. FT or PT 570-452-6654 Looking for work or need a job change? Work- Force Sunbury 570-988- 3960 (358 Market St.) or Milton 570-742-0576 (112 S.
Front St.) Receptionist FT, 35 position. Duties in- clude managing the front desk, answering phones, screening calls, distributing mail and clerical work as as- signed. Must have basic computer skills, ability to work with other employ- ees and public, and problem solving skills. Submit resume with cov- er letter Agency on Aging, Inc. ATTN: Human Resources, 116 N.
2nd Lewisburg, PA 17837. or email to: EOE Church Secretary, PT, skills req. Resumes to 1st Lutheran Church, 404 Market St, Mifflinburg or by SALES REPRESENTATIVE Professional Building Systems, a modular manufacturing plant lo- cated in Middleburg, PA, has an opening for a SALES REPRESENTATIVE Interested candidates must have a minimum of 2 years sales experi- ence as well as an un- derstanding of the mod- ular home industry and its construction. We offer a competitive salary, commission and benefits package. Some travel required.
Interest- ed candidates should mail their resume and salary requirements to: Professional Building Systems, Inc. Attn: Human Resources 72 East Market Street Middleburg, PA 17842 Or you may fax your re- sume to: 570-837-2018 EOE The Daily Item will make every attempt to protect our readers from the few individuals that use the classified ads for dishonest means. However, we encourage you to be mindful of potential scams, and to report any suspected wrong-doing to us immediately at 570-286-5671. Thank You. ATTENTION CLASSIFIED CUSTOMERS Effective immediately, The Daily Danville News will not accept any ads from private individuals sell- ing mattresses, bed pillows or second hand bed- ding in compliance with state regulations: "Secondhand items listed in Pennsylvania's Bedding and Upholstery Law and Regulations offered for sale, lease or auction must be ef- fectively cleansed and sterilized or disinfected by a process approved by the Department of Labor Industry.
To do so requires register- ing with and receiving a permit from the de- partment. The department also provides guidelines for the two-sided yellow tags that must be affixed to secondhand items after they have been properly cleaned and steril- ized or disinfected, and before they are of- fered for sale, lease or auction. For more information about Pennsylvania's Bedding Upholstery Law and Regulations, visit and search The Daily Item Friday, March 27, 2009 Page D3.