Original Orange Julius Recipe (2024)

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Orange Julius is one drink that brings so many childhood memories into my mind. It is the drink that my siblings and I would come home to drink every day after school.

The habit has carried on, and I still prepare it and drink it now. It is very healthy and easy to make. Creating this creamy, refreshing, delicious, and sweet drink takes only five minutes.

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What Is Orange Julius?


Original Orange Julius Recipe (1)

Orange Julius is a 5-ingredient orange drink recipe that is easy to make. It is a sublime refreshing drink you can make quickly at home, and everyone will love it.

What makes it different from normal orange juice is that it is creamy, frothy, and more flavorful, making it satisfying to drink.

History of Orange Julius:

In the United States of America, Julius Freed first made the famous orange Julius drink in 1926 in Los Angeles, California.

Initially, the sales were very modest and reached about 20 dollars daily. Later, in 1929, Freed’s real estate broker, Bill Hamlin, suggested a less acidic mixture that made it easier for his stomach to digest.

Eventually, Freed made this mixture which made the drink creamier and frothier, and started selling it to the public. The sales have increased from 20 to 100 dollars a day.

The beverage expanded more during the 1950s and 1960s as it started being sold in many shopping malls and county fairs.

The name Orange Julius came from the way people used to order the drink while waiting in line by saying, “give me an orange, Julius!” The Orange Julius chain has been bought and run by Dairy Queen, where you will most likely find it served in their restaurants.


How to Make Orange Julius?

Original Orange Julius Recipe (2)

The way to make an Orange Julius is very simple, easy, and doesn’t require lots of ingredients.

These are the following ingredients that you will need: Orange juice concentrate, water, milk, vanilla, powdered sugar, and ice cubes.

You put everything together inthe blender,mix, and voilà! You can drink your homemade orange Julius now.

Orange Julius Variations:

You can always get creative when making drinks with an orange flavor, which is also the case with Orange Julius.

Here are a few variations that you can use to switch a little bit from the classical orange Julius flavor.

Dairy-free coconut orange:

If you want a dairy-free beverage, then the task is easy. Use coconut milk instead of dairy milk.

You might even like it better than the original, as coconut adds a tropical and fresh taste to the drink.

Strawberry orange:

Strawberries work like a charm with almost any juice or smoothie.

Mix some fresh or frozen strawberries into the blender with the other ingredients.

This will give it a pinkish color as well as a tasteful flavor.

Orange Banana:

Banana is also one of the other ingredients you can add to the orange Julius, making it tastier. Just add frozen or fresh bananas and mix everything.

You will notice that adding bananas is different than the previous options as it will make the drink creamier, thicker, and almost as smoothie-like.

Pineapple orange:

Original Orange Julius Recipe (3)

Who doesn’t love pineapples?

They work best when added to the Orange Julius and are my favorite. Add some fresh or frozen pineapple to it, and you will see its deliciousness.

Some people won’t agree to make these variations to keep the orange Julius recipe as original as possible. However, we think these ingredients not only enhance its flavor of it but also the benefits of the nutrients.

Can You Make Orange Julius With Fresh Orange Juice?

Original Orange Julius Recipe (4)

We get asked this question a lot of times, and the simple answer is yes, you can make an orange Julius using just fresh orange juice instead of concentrated orange juice.

There are a lot of people who use fresh juice as they try to avoid and eliminate any processed ingredients from their healthy diets.

However, you will notice that the texture won’t be as creamy and frosty as when you use concentrated orange juice, and also, the taste will be a little bit less orangey.

You can add fresh orange juice directly to the other ingredients or freeze it in an ice cube tray, making the texture closer to the original recipe.

Another way that could make the texture like the original one by still using fresh oranges is just to use whole oranges. Just peel them and add them to the other ingredients.

How to Make Orange Julius without orange juice concentrate?

So as we have seen, it is possible to make Orange Julius without using a concentrate.

The ingredients will be the same as the original recipe, except that you should replace orange juice concentrate with fresh orange juice.

To do so, here is what you will need to do: into a blender, add water, milk, vanilla, sugar, ice cubes, and fresh orange juice.

You can also use the same ingredients and instead of adding orange juice, add 4 whole peeled oranges. This will help the texture to be creamier and frothier.

Can you add ice cream to a homemade Orange Julius?

Original Orange Julius Recipe (5)

You will find another ingredient in some orange Julius recipes: egg whites. Egg whites give the drink that foamy look and creamy texture.

There is a way to substitute that ingredient using Greek yogurt. Your choice here will depend on your taste, of course.

Another way to substitute it is by using vanilla ice cream. So yes, adding ice cream to a homemade Orange Julius is possible.

I have tried it before, and it works just well. Next time, just add a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and you will see that you will like it.

Can You Freeze Orange Julius?

Yes, you can freeze Orange Julius for only two days. Just pour it into an airtight container and put it in the freezer.

Sometimes it will not be possible to freeze it, which could be because of the expiration date of the milk you have used.

That is why we always recommend drinking it fresh. Although you can freeze it, just remember that it takes no longer than 5 minutes to make, and there is nothing better than drinking it fresh.

Is Orange Julius Safe During Pregnancy?

I am not particularly sure how to answer these questions because I am not a doctor to give a reliable answer or advice on that, but in my humble opinion, I think there is nothing wrong with that.

The ingredients do not contain anything generally known as bad during pregnancy, but I recommend you check with your doctor.

Are orange Julius Smoothies vegan?

With more and more people adopting the vegan lifestyle into their diets, it seems that there is a large number of drinks that they cannot consume, and one of them is the orange Julius since it contains milk.

However, you can use other alternatives, such as almond milk, even with the flavor of vanilla or coconut milk.

The taste might not be like the original one, but at least you will meet your healthy diet needs, and the taste will still be very delicious.

This fresh drink is perfect for those summer days. It tastes really good and is the right beverage to share with your family and friends.

If you are in your 50s or 60s drinking, it will bring so many memories to mind as back in the days, this drink was served in malls in stands, and it was the all-time favorite for the kids at that time.

Looking for more delicious, cold, healthy drinks?

The Best Mojito co*cktail

Homemade Dairy-Free Almond Milk

Homemade strawberry milkshake


Original Orange Julius Recipe (6)

Homemade Orange Julius Recipe

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Total Time: 5 minutes
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Making an orange Julius is super easy, won’t take you a lot of time, about 5 minutes maximum to prepare and is very cheap.

Here is what you will need:



  • 2/3 cup of orange juice concentrate
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla
  • ¼ cup of powdered sugar
  • 6 ice cubes (1/2 to 1 cup)


  1. Put everything together into a blender, preferably a smoothie blender, and mix everything until it is smooth.
  2. It should have that foamy look and the ice cubes should be crushed and blended well so to not choke on a piece while drinking it.
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Drinks
  • Cuisine: American


  • Calories: 143

Also, check out these other amazing Orange Recipes from some of my blogging friends!

ORANGE BASIL GRANITA From House of Nash Eats

Orange Frost co*cktail From Savory Experiments

Blood Orange Margaritas From The Rising Spoon


Orange Marmalade Chicken From Yummy Addiction


HONEY TANGERINE FIZZ From The Missing Lokness

Easy Citrus Salts From Platings and Pairings

Orange Marmalade Chicken From Yummy Addiction

BASIL AND ORANGE SORBET From I Just Make Sandwiches

ORANGE JULIUS POPSICLE From Vegetarian Gastronomy


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Original Orange Julius Recipe (2024)


What did the original Orange Julius have in it? ›

But it was Freed/Fried's real estate agent, Willard “Bill” Hamlin, who made the first real Orange Julius. Hamlin convinced Freed/Fried to carry his secret powdered vanilla-ey formula that turns blended orange juice, sugar syrup, and crushed ice into that icy cold, fluffy, Creamsicle-y drink.

Why does Orange Julius have egg? ›

The original recipe for Orange Julius, developed in the 1920s, contained raw egg whites to create a frothy texture. The recipe was updated in the 1980s for food safety reasons.

Is Orange Julius and Dairy Queen the same? ›

They loved it so much they bought the company. In 1987, Orange Julius became "a fully owned subsidiary of International Dairy Queen." That's lawyer speak for "now you can get your Dilly® Bar where you get your Julius® Original!”

What is the difference between Orange Julius and original? ›

The Julius Originals preparation method for DQ locations uses the Misty® slush, and the Julius Originals preparation method for Orange Julius locations (Orange Julius without a DQ component) uses simple syrup. Nutritional information between the two preparation methods may vary significantly.

What happens when you put an egg in orange juice for 24 hours? ›

Orange juice and vinegar both contain acids which react with the calcium carbonate in the eggs to produce carbon dioxide gas. This is why the eggs fizz in those liquids. Over time, this reaction has the effect of destroying the egg shells and leaving behind the inside of the egg.

Does Orange Julius exist anymore? ›

A bit of history of success, Orange Julius was the official drink of the 1964 World's Fair. In 1987 DQ Dairy Queen bought the rights to the Orange Julius Chains and marketed the drink at their DQ Treat Stores. Now in 2023 Dairy Queen seem to be phasing the drink away from some of its stores.

Where was the original Orange Julius? ›

Julius Freed opened an orange juice stand in 1926 on South Broadway in Downtown Los Angeles. In 1929, the orange juice was developed into a specialty drink by Freed's real estate broker Willard Hamlin.

Is an Orange Julius good for you? ›

The mall drink is packed with more sugar than a can of soda, and besides having vitamin C from the orange juice it contains, it's devoid of nutrients. It's a sugar bomb with no protein and no fiber.

What is the origin of the name Orange Julius? ›

The company's signature drink, the Orange Julius, is a sweet and creamy orange-flavored beverage made with orange juice, milk, and ice. The name "Orange Julius" was originally chosen because the drink was made with orange juice and Julius Freed was the founder of the company.

What flavor is an Orange Julius? ›

An Orange Julius is a blend of frozen orange juice concentrate, milk, vanilla, sugar, and ice. It's not quite a smoothie; it's too sweet — more like a dessert — to be considered a smoothie. And it's not as milky or thick as a milkshake, either. It's sweet and frothy, lightly frozen, and tastes just like a Creamsicle.

Can you mix eggs with orange juice? ›

Orange juice and vinegar both contain acids which react with the calcium carbonate in the eggs to produce carbon dioxide gas. This is why the eggs fizz in those liquids. Over time, this reaction has the effect of destroying the egg shells and leaving behind the inside of the egg.

Who is Orange Julius competitor? ›

Orange Julius's competitors and similar companies include Citropak, Wenheyou, Kotipizza Group and Dairy Queen.

Why is Dairy Queen not called ice cream? ›

Is it 95% fat-free? Technically, our soft serve does not qualify to be called ice cream. To be categorized as ice cream, the minimum butterfat content must be ten percent, and our soft serve has only five percent butterfat content.

Why is DQ called Dairy Queen? ›

Dairy Queen officially got its name from soft-serve creator Jack "Grandpa" McCullough, who called the store's sweet staple a queen among dairy products.

Is pulp in OJ real? ›

As well as variations in oranges used, some varieties include differing amounts of juice vesicles, known as "pulp" in American English, and "(juicy) bits" in British English. These vesicles contain the juice of the orange and can be left in or removed during the manufacturing process.

Did Dairy Queen get rid of Orange Julius? ›

A bit of history of success, Orange Julius was the official drink of the 1964 World's Fair. In 1987 DQ Dairy Queen bought the rights to the Orange Julius Chains and marketed the drink at their DQ Treat Stores. Now in 2023 Dairy Queen seem to be phasing the drink away from some of its stores.

Does Orange Julius use real fruit? ›

Orange Julius' premium fruit smoothies are made with real fruit, low-fat yogurt, and ice. Some also contain a "nutrition boost" in the form of protein, antioxidants, energy, vitamin C, or fresh banana.

Has Mountain Dew always had orange juice in it? ›

Classic Mountain Dew is labeled as a citrus soda, which is often compared to lemon-lime. It originally touted its formula's use of actual orange juice in the recipe.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.