Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (2024)

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash recipe is one of the best and easiest Irish Colcannon cabbage recipes you’ll ever try. This Jamie Oliver Colcannon is made with potatoes, cabbage, onions or leeks, butter, and cream. It’s a quick recipe that only takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Please feel free to leave feedback about this traditional authentic Colcannon recipe from the best famous UK chef.

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What Is Colcannon Mash

Colcannon is a traditional Irish mash made with potatoes, cabbage, and often onions or leeks. It’s seasoned with butter, cream, and sometimes a touch of garlic or herbs. Colcannon is pronounced “kol-kan-on,” which means “white-headed cabbage” in Gaelic.

Where Does Colcannon Originate From

Colcannon originates from Ireland, where it has been a staple dish for centuries. It’s especially popular during holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween.

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (1)

Colcannon Mash Ingredients

  • 3 pounds Russet potatoes, peeled & quartered
  • ½ head cabbage (approx. 6 cups)
  • ½ cup cream, warmed
  • ¼ cup butter, melted (more as needed)
  • 1 white onion or 2 leeks
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted

How To Make Colcannon Mash

  1. Boil Potatoes: Boil salted water in a big pot. Add the cut potatoes. Cook them until you can easily poke them with a fork, about 12-15 minutes.
  2. Prepare Veggies: Chop the onion into small pieces or thinly slice the leeks. Cut the cabbage into big chunks.
  3. Cook Veggies: Melt some butter in a pan on medium heat. Add the onion or leeks and cabbage. Cook them until the onion looks clear and the cabbage is soft.
  4. Mash Potatoes: After the potatoes are done, drain the water. Put them back in the pot. Use a masher to mash them. Add cream and butter to make them smooth. Add salt and pepper for taste.
  5. Combine: Now, mix the mashed potatoes with the cooked cabbage and onions. Add more melted butter on top if you like.

What To Serve With Colcannon

Serve this jamie oliver colcannon mash as side for Pork Wellington, Beef Stroganoff, Beef Bourguignon or Beef Enchiladas.

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (2)

Can You Make Colcannon Ahead Of Time

Yes, Colcannon Mash can be made 2 days ahead of time and stored in the fridge. Just prepare the mashed potatoes and cooked veggies, then let them cool. Once cool, place them in an airtight container and store them in the fridge.

Can You Freeze Colcannon

Yes, Colcannon Mash can be frozen for up to 3 months. Simply place it in a freezer-safe, airtight container, leaving some space at the top for expansion.

To thaw frozen Colcannon Mash, place it in the fridge overnight or use the defrost setting on your microwave.

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (3)

Vegan Colcannon Mash

To make Vegan Colcannon Mash, simply replace the cream with a plant-based cream like coconut or almond cream, and use vegan butter instead of regular butter.

Colcannon Mash Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 293
  • Carbohydrates: 36g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Fat: 16g
  • Saturated Fat: 10g
  • Sodium: 103mg
  • Potassium: 843mg
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Sugar: 4g

Try More Recipes:

  • Slow Cooker Lamb Tagine
  • Russian Salad
  • Pommes Anna
  • Leftover Chicken Curry
  • Mac And Cheese
  • Pickled Red Onions
Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (4)

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe

Author: Hamdi Saidani Cuisine:UK,Irish Courses:Sides

Prep time: 20 minutesCook time: 30 minutesTotal time: 50 minutesServings:8 servingsCalories:293 kcal


Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash recipe is one of the best and easiest Irish Colcannon cabbage recipes you’ll ever try. This Jamie Oliver Colcannon is made with potatoes, cabbage, onions or leeks, butter, and cream. It’s a quick recipe that only takes about 20 minutes to prepare. Please feel free to leave feedback about this traditional authentic Colcannon recipe from the best famous UK chef.

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Ingredients

How To Make Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash

  1. Boil Potatoes: Boil salted water in a big pot. Add the cut potatoes. Cook them until you can easily poke them with a fork, about 12-15 minutes.
  2. Prepare Veggies: Chop the onion into small pieces or thinly slice the leeks. Cut the cabbage into big chunks.
  3. Cook Veggies: Melt some butter in a pan on medium heat. Add the onion or leeks and cabbage. Cook them until the onion looks clear and the cabbage is soft.
  4. Mash Potatoes: After the potatoes are done, drain the water. Put them back in the pot. Use a masher to mash them. Add cream and butter to make them smooth. Add salt and pepper for taste.
  5. Combine: Now, mix the mashed potatoes with the cooked cabbage and onions. Add more melted butter on top if you like.

Keywords:Jamie Oliver Colcannon Recipe, colcannon cabbage recipe, traditional irish colcannon potatoes and cabbage, colcannon potatoes and cabbage

Jamie Oliver Colcannon Mash Recipe - Delish Sides (2024)
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