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Didik Fauzi Dakhlan


Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

June 2009

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MSc Graduation Thesis of

Didik Fauzi Dakhlan


Thesis Committee:

Dr. ir. M. Popov

Prof. Dr. J.J. Smit

Dr. ir. P. Bauer

Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

Electrical Power Systems

June 2009

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First of all, I would like to give thanks to God for making it possible for me to experience this

great opportunity.

Special thanks to my supervisor Dr. ir. M. Popov for his support, help, patience, advices, and

availability. He has been excellent mentor during this thesis project. My very personal thanks

are directed towards Professor Dr. J.J Smit for his agreement with PLN that give me

opportunity to study in TU Delft. I would also like to thank Dr. ir. P. Bauer for his availability

to take place in my thesis committee.

Also for my PLN colleagues at TU Delft, , thank you guys for helping me in the last two years,

guiding me to finish this master course, and also sharing your knowledge with nice and

warm discussion. It’s a great, valuable and unforgettable experience to working and studying

with amazing friends like you all. Thanks you also to my colleagues at PLN, who help me for

all the valuable data and discussion about the transformer protection technology.

Finally, I will like to thank my family, my wife Lian and my beautiful daughter Narina, for

supporting me in every situation and condition, for being my number one supporters in up

and down, my regrets and sorry to both of you for my absent at your side when you need


Didik Fauzi Dakhlan

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Table of Content

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... 3 Table of Content.......................................................................................................... 4 I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 5

1.1. Power Transformer, Faults, and Transformer Protection System ............... 5 1.2. Problem Definition ....................................................................................... 6 1.3. Objectives the Present Study ...................................................................... 6 1.4. Thesis Layout .............................................................................................. 7

II. PROTECTION SYSTEM OF TRANSFORMER................................................... 8 2.1. Introduction.................................................................................................. 8 2.2. PLN Transformer Protection System Requirements ................................... 9 2.3. Non electrical Protection............................................................................ 11 2.4. Electrical Protection................................................................................... 14

III. TRANSFORMER MODELING ON ATPDraw................................................ 24 3.1. Introduction................................................................................................ 24 3.2. BCTRAN Modeling .................................................................................... 24 3.3. Electrical System Power Component ........................................................ 28 3.4. Verifying the Model.................................................................................... 33

IV. TRANSFORMER INTERNAL FAULT MODELING ....................................... 36 4.1. Introduction................................................................................................ 36 4.2. Matrix Representation of Transformers ..................................................... 36 4.3. Modeling Principles ................................................................................... 39

4.3.1. Direct Self and Mutual Impedance Calculation Method..................... 40 4.3.2. Leakage Impedance Calculation by Using Leakage Factor .............. 43

V. SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 53 5.1. Introduction................................................................................................ 53 5.2. External Fault ............................................................................................ 53 5.3. Internal Fault.............................................................................................. 59

5.3.1. Primary Winding Fault ....................................................................... 61 5.3.2. Secondary Winding Fault................................................................... 64 5.3.3. Tertiary Winding Fault........................................................................ 72

VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................. 75 6.1. Introduction................................................................................................ 75 6.2. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 75 6.3. Recommendation ...................................................................................... 75

References................................................................................................................ 77 Abbreviation .............................................................................................................. 79 Appendix : Transformer Data .................................................................................... 80

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1.1. Power Transformer, Faults, and Transformer Protection System

The power transformer is one of the most important primary piece of equipment of the

electric power system. The development of modern power systems has been reflected in the

advances in transformer design. This has resulted in a wide range of transformers with sizes

ranging from a few kVA to several hundred MVA being available for use in a wide variety of


Different faults can occur inside the transformer and at the electrical system where the

transformer is connected. Transformer faults can be divided into two classes: external and

internal faults. External faults are those faults that happen outside the transformer:

overloads, overvoltage, under frequency, external system short circuits. The internal faults

occur within the transformer protection zone such as incipient fault (overheating,

overfluxing, overpressure) and active faults (turn-to-earth, turn-to-turn, tank fault, core


The transformer protection is an essential part of overall system protection strategy.

Moreover, transformers have a wide variety of features, including tap changers, phase

shifters and multiple windings, that require special consideration in the protective system


The combination of electrical and non electrical protection system is installed to protect the

transformer due to those all possible faults. To reduce the effects of thermal stress and

electrodynamic forces, it is advisable to ensure that the protection package used minimises

the time for disconnection in the event of a fault occurring within the transformer.

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1.2. Problem Definition

A lot of faults can happen at the power transformer. The transformer protection must

isolate and clear the fault fast and correctly. One of the main protections of a transformer is

differential relay. It works for internal faults of the transformer e.g. turn-to-earth and turn-

to-turn fault of the transformer winding.

The internal faults of the transformer can be modeled by modifying the coupled inductance

matrix of the transformer. If there is an internal fault of the transformer, the coupled

inductance matrix will change due to the fault point. This new matrix is depended on the

location of fault and type of faults.

Simulation of the faulty transformer will produce the faulty waveform that can be used to

test the correctness and sensitivity of the differential protection.

1.3. Objectives the Present Study

To support the testing of the protection system from transformer internal faults, the above

mentioned modeling of internal faults is built and simulation using real system is done to

make the fault waveform.

To analyze and verify the model, the no-load test and load/copper losses test result from the

transformer can be used. The geometric quantities of the transformer and the impedance

test result also can be used to analyze and verify the model.

The calculation of the new transformer parameters due to internal faults has to be used to

make the new model of the transformer. Finally, simulations using real system data should

be introduced to know the protection system behavior due to the internal faults.

In particular, the following steps have to be taken:

• Collecting the available data of the transformer: geometric quantities of the

transformer, factory acceptance test result (no-load losses and copper/load

losses test), etc.

• Based on the test result of the transformer : modeling the healthy transformer

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• Verification of the model by simulation of test which has been done in factory

acceptance test e.g. load losses and no-load losses test.

• Verification of the transformer coupled inductance matrix by using geometric

quantities of the transformer.

• Development of new coupled inductance matrix due to internal faults of the


• Connection the transformer to the model of the real system in the field.

• Simulation of the external and internal faults (turn-to-earth and turn-to-turn

winding fault)

• Analyzing the fault waveform which produced by the simulation for protection

system studies.

1.4. Thesis Layout

This thesis introduces the reader to the theory of faults in the transformer and the

protection due to those faults. In subsequent chapters, the healthy transformer modeling is

built using BCTRAN routine and the model is verified by manual calculation and simulation of

short and open circuit test during Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of the transformer. Then,

the new models of the faulty transformer due to internal faults are built and simulated with

the real data from the network and the transformer protection system behaviors due to

these faults are studied.

All of the assumptions and the method of the modeling will be described. A step by step

procedure to model and simulate the internal fault and the analysis and evaluation of the

transformer protection will be explained. Finally, conclusions are drawn based on the results

of the simulation.

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2.1. Introduction

Utilities in some countries are responsible for the generation, transmission, and distribution

of electricity to customers. Part of this responsibility is ensuring a safe but yet reliable

power supply to customers. For the purpose of safety and protecting transmission and

distribution networks from faults, utilities worldwide have sophisticated protective

equipment installed on their power system equipment. Collectively, these are known as

secondary equipment and include the current transformer (CT), voltage transformer (VT),

and protection relays.

The function of protection system is to cause the prompt removal from service of any

element of a power system when it suffers a fault; short circuit or when it starts to operate

in any abnormal condition that might cause damage or otherwise disturb the operation of

the rest of the system. The relaying equipment is aided in this task by circuit breakers that

are capable of disconnecting the faulty element when they are called upon to do so by the

relaying equipment [21].

Circuit breakers are generally located so that each generator, transformer, bus, transmission

line, etc., can be completely disconnected from the rest of the system. These circuit breakers

must have sufficient capacity so that they can carry momentarily the maximum short-circuit

current that can flow through them, and then interrupt this current; they must also

withstand closing in on such a short circuit and then interrupting it according to certain

prescribed standards [33]

In the early days of the electricity, electromechanical relays were used. Later, these were

replaced by the static relay and then the digital relay. Today, most relays used by the utility

are numerical relays. Numerical relays are microprocessor based and have software to

perform the necessary calculations, wiring adaptation, and logic functions of the relay.

There are various types of relays, the main types being the over current relay, distance relay,

and differential relay. The differential relay plays an important role in the protection of

generators, busbars, short lines, and transformers.

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2.2. PLN Transformer Protection System Requirements

One of the most important design considerations of protection system is reliability.

Protection system reliability is separated into two aspects called dependability and security.

Dependability is defined as “the degree of certainties that relay or relay system will operate

correctly”. In other words, dependability is a measure of the relay ability to operate when it

is supposed to operate. Security is defined as “the degree of certainties that a relay or relay

system will not operate incorrectly”. Security is a measure of the relay’s ability to avoid

operation for all other conditions for which tripping is not desired. Besides those two

aspects, the grid would guarantee to clear off the faults in 150 kV systems not more than

120 ms and in 70 kV system not more than 150 ms [31].

The fault clearing time is the time needed by protection system equipment from the fault

occurrence until the fault cleared from the system. The fault clearing time consists of the

operating time of the relay and the tripping time of the circuit breaker. So the protection

system needs the fast and reliable relay to discriminate the all types of faults.

Table 2.1 Java Bali Grid Code: Transformer Protection System

Ratio and Transformer Rating

150/70 kV, 150/20 kV, 70/20 kV

< 10


10 to 30


> 30



kV No Protection


1 Temperature Relay √ √ √ √

2 Buchholz Relay √ √ √ √

3 Sudden Pressure Relay √ √ √ √

4 Differential Protection

Relay √ √

5 Over Current Relay √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

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6 Earth Fault Relay √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

7 Restricted Earth Fault

Relay √* √* √ √

* : not provided for transformer which grounded in transformer with high

impedance grounding

The transformer must be protected against all possible fault condition. The transformer

protection system is classified based on MVA rating and the voltage. The revised PLN

standard also accommodates and redundancy of differential relay 500/150 kV interbus

transformer, the fire protection, and early warning system.

Table 2.2 Faults at the transformer and their protection


No Type of Fault

Main Back Up


1 Short circuit inside

the transformer

protection zone


REF, Buchholz,



OCR,GFR Broken


windings or core

2 Short circuit outside

the transformer

protection zone




3 Overload Temperature OCR Broken


4 Cooling system fault Temperature - Broken


The protection system of the transformer could be classified as electrical and non electrical

protection. The electrical protection means the working principle of the protection based on

the current, voltage, or frequency of that appear on the protected zone.

The non electrical protection will operate based on the physical conditions of the

transformer and the insulation media. These physical conditions could be temperature, air

(gas) in the insulation media, etc.

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2.3. Non electrical Protection

The non electrical protection operates independently from current and voltage of the

transformer. It operates based on the physical and the chemical condition of the

transformer or insulation media of the transformer (oil).

Buchholz relay

This relay is actuated by gas and oil inside the transformer bank. The turn-to-earth fault,

turn-to-turn fault or other internal fault inside the transformer will generate gases in

sufficient quantities to operate this protection device and actuate the operating of circuit

breaker. When a fault occurs inside the oil-filled transformer tank, the fault arc produces

gases, which create pressure inside the oil. In the conservator type of tank construction, the

pressure created in the oil is detected by a pressure vane in the pipe which connects the

transformer tank with the conservator. The movement of the vane is detected by a switch,

which can be used to sound an alarm or send the trip contact to the circuit breaker.







Figure 2.1 Buchholz Relay

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Table 2.3 Buchholz Relay on Different Transformer Rating

Transformer rating (MVA) Pipe diameter (in) Alarm volume of gas


Trip minimum oil

velocity (cm/s)

up to 1 MVA 1 110 70 – 130

1-10 2 200 25 – 140

>10 3 250 90 - 160

Transformer conditions can cause an alarm signal:

• hot spots in a core caused by short circuiting in laminations

• breakdown on the insulation

• winding faults causing low currents

• leakage of oil

Buchholz relay has two signals in its operation i.e. alarm signal and trip signal.

Temperature relay

Temperature relay works based on the temperature of the transformer. When the

temperature is high, then this relay will give the alarm signal. If the temperature is extremely

high, then this relay will send a trip command to the circuit breaker.

The temparature sensors are also commonly used to start and stop the cooling system of the


1. Temperature Sensor

2. White Needle

(real time temperature)

3. Red Needle

(maximum temperature)



Figure 2.2 Temperature Relay

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Sudden Pressure Relay

The sudden pressure relay operates based on the rate of rise of gas in the transformer. It can

be applied to any transformer with the sealed air or gas chamber above the oil level. It will

not operate on static pressure or pressure changes resulting from normal operation of the

transformer. This sudden pressure relay is usually found at the transformer with a gas

cushion at the top of the bank. Just the same with Buchholz relay, a pressure wave created

by a fault is detected by this relay.

Figure 2.3 Sudden Pressure Relay

There are two types of sudden pressure relay, membrane type and pressure relief valve

type. For membrane type, the membrane will break when the pressure is above its design.

For pressure relief valve type, the valve will open and remove the pressure with the oil when

the pressure inside the transformer exceeds the spring pressure. The valve is pressed by the

spring in the normal condition.

Faults on the bushings do not create an arc in the insulating oil and must be protected by

other protection system. The combination of the pressure relay (sudden pressure relay and

Buchholz relay) and differential relay provides an excellent protection system for a power


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2.4. Electrical Protection

There are many electrical protective relays that are installed to protect the transformer.

Figure 2.4 shows all of the electrical protection relays with their protection zone. The

transformer is also equipped with some control equipments i.e tap changer control and

metering as shown in figure 2.5

Figure 2.4 Electrical Transformer Protection

150 kV


70 kV










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Figure 2.5 Typical Wiring of Electrical Transformer Control and Protection System

Differential relay

Differential protection relies on the Kirchoff’s Current Law that states the sum of currents

entering a node equals the sum of currents leaving a node. Applied to differential

protection, it means that the sum of currents entering a bus (transformer, transmission line,

busbar, or generator) equals the sum of those leaving. If the sum of these currents (for a

given circuit) is not zero, then it must be due to a short circuit caused either by an earth fault

or a phase-to-phase fault.

Differential relays take a variety of forms, depending on the equipment they protect. The

definition of such a relay is “one that operates when the vector difference of two or more

similar electrical quantities exceeds a predetermined amount” [32].

Differential relay is one of the protective relays of the transformer. It is accurate to detect

the internal fault of the transformer even when the primary and secondary currents are not

higher than the nominal current. But, it also has limitation when the turn-to-earth fault is

near the neutral end of the transformer. The normalized primary and secondary current

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difference is not big enough to operate the relay. The same condition happen if there is

turn-to-turn fault when the faulty (short circuited) turns are small.

Figure 2.6 Principle of Differential Relay Protection

Figure 2.6 shows an explanatory diagram illustrating the principle of the differential relay

protection. Current transformers with similar characteristics and ratio are connected on the

both sides of the transformer and a relay is connected between the two current

transformers by using pilot wires. Under healthy or external fault conditions, the current

distribution as shown in figure 2.6 (a), no current flowing in the relay. When the internal

fault occurs as shown in figure 2.6 (b), the conditions of balance are upset and current flows

in the relay to cause operation. It can be noted also that the protected zone of this

differential relay is between the two current transformers. If the fault had occurred beyond,

as shown in figure 2.6 (a), than the operation will not occur as the fault current would then

flow through both current transformers thus maintaining the balance.

Transformer differential relay are subject to several factors that can cause maloperation

such as : different voltage level, including tap changer, which result in different currents in

the connecting circuits, ratio mismatch between current transformers , mismatch that occur

on the taps, phase-angle shift introduced by transformer wye(star)-delta connections, and

magnetizing inrush currents, which differential relay sees as internal faults.

Those above factors can be accommodated by the design of current transformer and

combination of relay with proper connection and applications. The connection of differential

relay, current transformers, interposing current transformer, and auxiliary current

transformers (ACT) is used to overcome the above factor for the older/electromechanical

differential relay protection. For the newer/numerical differential relay, the information of


I1 I2


IR=I1-I2= 0 R



I1 I2


IR=I1+ I2≠ 0 R


(a) External Fault (b) Internal Fault

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the transformer and current transformer connection must be included correctly to the relay

setting without any auxiliary connections.

In general, the current transformers on the wye side must be connected in delta and the

current transformers on delta side connected in wye. These arrangements will compensate

the phase angle shift introduced by wye delta bank and blocks the zero sequence current

from the differential circuit on external ground faults. The zero sequence current will flow in

the differential circuit for external ground fault on the grounded wye side; if the current

transformer connected in wye, the relay would misoperate. With the current transformers

connected in delta, the zero sequence current circulates inside the current transformers,

preventing relay maloperation.












Yd 11

Differential Relay

ir is it

ir is it











Transformer 150/70/16 kV, 100 MVA Vector Group : YNyn0 (d11)

Figure 2.7 The design of current transformer and combination of relay

for 150/70/16 kV YYd transformer.

Auxiliary current transformers or relay taps ratios should be as close as possible to the

current ratios for a balanced maximum load condition. When there are more than two

winding, all combinations must be considered.

After current transformer ratios and auxiliary current transformer taps have been selected,

the continuous rating of relay should be checked for the compatibility of transformer load.

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If the relay current exceeds its continuous rating, a higher current transformer ratio or

auxiliary current transformer may be required.

The percentage of current mismatch should be checked to ensure the auxiliary current

transformer selected have adequate safety margin. Percentage mismatch can be

determined as:












Where IL and IH are the relay input currents for low and voltage side, TL and TH are the relay

tap setting for low and high voltage side and S is the smaller between those two terms (IL/IH)

or (TL/TH).

The current in the differential relay will not exactly zero at the normal operating condition or

when external fault occur. It is normal because the tap of the transformer, the current

transformer (CT) error, mismatch, and the excitation current.

The minimum pick current of the differential relay is generally quite safe at 30% of the

nominal current. It already accommodated the maximum 10% tap error, 10% CT error, 4 %

mismatch, 1% excitation current, and 5% safety margin.

Number of turn Transformer rating Number of turn Transformer ratingPreliminary tap Preliminary tap

Terminal 5/5 A 5/1 A 1/1 A Terminal 5/5 A 5/1 A 1/1 A

1 - 2 1 1 5 X - 7 5 5 252 - 3 1 1 5 7 - 8 5 5 253 - 4 1 1 5 8 - 9 5 9 254 - 5 1 1 5 S1 - S2 25 125 125

5 - 6 25 25 125 S3 - S4 18 90 90

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Figure 2.8 Auxiliary Current Transformer

There two types of differential relays, non-bias and bias differential relay protection. The

non-bias relay only considers the differential current as a trigger to operate the relay and the

bias relay considers not only differential current but also bias current to operate the relay.


I bias

(Mean through current)

I diff

(Differential current)

I1 - I2

(I1 - I2)/2


Figure 2.9 Non-Bias Differential Relay

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I bias

(Mean through current)

I diff

(Differential current)

I1 - I2

(I1 - I2)/2

Figure 2.10 Bias Differential Relay

Operating current = smallest current in operating coil to cause operation

100%rated current of the operating coil

× (2.2)

% minimum pick up current = 10 – 30% nominal current

Slope = current in operating coil to cause operation

100%current in restraining



% slope = 1 2

1 2

I - I100%

(I + I )/2×

The bias current is a function of the through fault current and stabilizes the relay against

heavy through faults.

Under through-fault conditions, when operation is not required, no current should flow on

the relay but because of imperfect matching of the current transformers and the effect due

to tap changing, some spill current may exceed the minimum pick up current and flow in the

relay. This, however, will not cause any operation of the relay unless the ratio of differential

current to mean through fault current is exceeded and the restraint or bias which is

increases as the through fault current increases, thus enabling sensitive settings to be

obtained with high degree of stability.

Over Current Relay (OCR) and Ground Fault Relay (GFR)

Over current relay is classified as back up protection of the transformer because it is not

sensitive enough to detect the internal fault. It is installed at the source side and also the

load side of the transformer. It will work if the current is over the setting of the relay.

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To allow transformer overloading when necessary, the pick up value of the over current

relays must be set up above the nominal current. The definite minimum operating time at

currents above a certain level or pick up current setting is an essential feature to obtain

adequate discriminating time margins. To obtain flexibility, tappings are provided on the

main input winding with a current value or percentage being assigned. The pick up current in

Java Bali system is set 1.2 times nominal current of the transformer with inverse


Fast operation is not possible, since the transformer relays must coordinate with all other

relays they overreach. Some times it also has definite time characteristics with

instantaneous trip command when the current is around 8-10 times of the nominal current.

This setting must be above the inrush current. Often, instantaneous trip units cannot be

used because the fault currents are too small.

Table 2.3 Over Current Relay (OCR) Setting

No Description Primary (150 kV) Secondary (70 kV)

1 Relay Type Non Directional Over

Current Relay

Non Directional Over

Current Relay

2 Characteristic Standard Inverse Standard Inverse

3 Current Setting 1.2 x transformer nominal


1.2 x transformer

nominal current

4 Time Setting ∆t = 0.3-0.5 second from

tripping time of the bus 70


( recommendation : 0.5

second )

∆t = 0.3-0.5 second from

tripping time of the

feeder or line

( recommendation : 0.5

second )

5 Instantaneous Trip transformer nominal

current x (1/Z(pu))

0.5 x transformer

nominal current x


GFR is in the same unit with the OCR but the input comes from the neutral current

transformer. The setting of the ground fault relay are :

Table 2.4 Ground Fault Relay Setting

No Description Primary (150 kV) Secondary (70 kV) Neutral Transformer

1 Relay Type Non Directional

Ground Fault


Non Directional

Ground Fault Relay

Stanby Earth Fault


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2 Characteristic Standard Inverse Definite Time Definite Time

3 Current Setting 0.2 x transformer

nominal current

(0.2 – 0.4) x nominal

current of Neutral

Grounding Resistor


NGR maximum

continuous current

4 Time Setting ∆t = 0.3-0.5

second from

tripping time of

the bus 70 kV

(recommendation :

0.5 second )

∆t = 0.3-0.5 second

from tripping time of

the feeder or line

(recommendation :

0.5 second )

0.5 x NGR thermal

strength time

5 Instantaneous Trip Not activated Not activated Not activated

Restricted Earth Fault (REF) relay

REF relay use the same mechanism of differential relay. It works when the current flow

through the relay is over the setting of the relay. The only difference is that REF relay has

inputs from the current transformer of the grounding and neutral. When there’s turn to

ground fault then the fault current will flow through the grounding and compared to the

neutral current and will be detected by this relay.

Figure 2.11 External Fault Current Distribution in REF Relay

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From figure 2.11 above, it could be seen that there is no current flow at the REF relay when

external fault occurs. On the other hand, the REF relay will operate when the earth fault

happen in the internal protected zone in figure 2.12.

Figure 2.12 Internal Fault Current Distribution in REF Relay

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3.1. Introduction

The transformer which is modeled in this thesis is 150/70/16 kV three-phase three-winding

YYd transformer. The transformer is already installed at Wlingi Substation. It is

manufactured by PT Pauwels Trafo Asia, a subsidiary company of Pauwels that produce

transformer and other primary equipment in Indonesia. The detail transformer design and

factory test result can be shown on the appendix.

3.2. BCTRAN Modeling

The transformer model could be built by using a lot of components, i.e BCTRAN, saturated

transformer, coupled inductance, etc. BCTRAN is used in this model because of the available

data of the transformer.

The inputs of BCTRAN consist of MVA, voltage, winding connection, grounding, impedance,

losses, frequency, short circuit and open circuit test, etc. They can be easily taken from the

name plate and the factory test of the transformer. This name plate and factory test of the

transformer is prepared by the transformer manufactures when the customer (electrical

utility, industry, etc) buy it. So it is easy to get this data because all transformers are

accompanied by this data. BCTRAN can make a model of any kind of transformer, two and

three winding, single and three phases, wye and delta winding, and autotransformer.

BCTRAN generates the impedance matrix (R and L matrix) of the transformer.

Parameters of the transformer are obtained from the transformer name plate. Number of

phase, number of winding, frequency, rated power, line to line voltage, winding connection,

and phase shift can be included easily without any modification. There’s a special case for

the type of transformer core.

Under the open circuit tab, the user can specify how the real factory test has been

performed and where to connect the excitation branch. In case of a three winding

transformer, HV, LV, and the TV winding could be chosen. Normally the lowest voltage is

preferred, but stability problems for delta-connected nonlinear inductances could require

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the lowest Y-connected winding to be used [2]. Up to 6 points on the magnetizing curve can

be specified. The excitation voltage and current must be specified in % and the losses in kW.

With reference to the ATP Rule Book[1], the values at 100 % voltage is used directly as

IEXPOS=Curr (%) and LEXPOS=Loss (kW). One exception is if External Lm is chosen under

positive core magnetization. In this case only, the resistive current is specified resulting in

IEXPOS=Loss/(10 * SPOS), where SPOS is the Power (MVA) value specified under Ratings of

the winding where the test has been performed. If zero sequence open circuit test data are

also available, the user can similarly specify them to the right. The values for other voltages

than 100 % can be used to define a nonlinear magnetizing inductance/resistance.

This is set under positive core magnetization:

• Specifying Linear internal will result in a linear core representation based on the 100

% voltage values.

• Specifying External Lm//Rm the magnetizing branch will be omitted in the BCTRAN

calculation and the program assumes that the user will add these components as

external objects to the model.

• Specifying External Lm will result in calculation of a nonlinear magnetizing

inductance first as an Irms-Urms characteristic, then automatically transformed to a

current-fluxlinked characteristic (by means of an internal SATURA-like routine). The

current in the magnetizing inductance is calculated as

[ ] [ ] [ ]( ) [ ] [ ]kVVkWLossMVASPOSCurrAI refRMS /)3/(3/%10 22 −⋅⋅= (3.1)

where Vref is actual rated voltage specified under Ratings, divided by 3 for Y- and Auto-

connected transformers.

The user can choose to Auto-add nonlinearities under Structure and in this case the

magnetizing inductance is automatically added to the final ATP-file as a Type-98

inductance[1]. ATPDraw connects the inductances in Y or D dependent on the selected

connection for actual winding for a 3-phase transformer. In this case, the user has no control

on the initial state of the inductor(s). If more control is needed (for instance to calculate the

fluxlinked or set initial conditions) Auto-add nonlinearities should not be checked. The user

is free to create separate nonlinear inductances, however. The Copy+ button at the bottom

of the dialog box allows the user to copy the calculated nonlinear characteristic to an

external nonlinearity. What to copy is selected under View/Copy. To copy the fluxlinked-

current characteristic used in Type-93 and Type-98 inductances Lm-flux should be selected.

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Other type is chosen during the build up of BCTRAN for accommodating the type of

transformer core. Other type means that the core is three-legged or five-legged core type or

shell type. It tells us that there’s coupled inductance between windings at different phase.

The triplex type means three-single phase transformer in a bank, there’s no coupled

inductance between windings at different phase.

Open Circuit Test

The positive sequence open circuit parameters can be easily obtained from load/copper test

of the transformer. The open circuit test is usually done in the lowest voltage of the

transformer [3]. The zero sequence excitation current is set 100%[2]. It means the type of

the core is three-legged core type. The leakage flux flows via the transformer bank or air.

The transformer has delta connected windings, so the delta connections should be opened

for the zero sequence excitation test. Otherwise, the test really becomes a short circuit test

between excited winding and the delta connected winding. On the other hand, if the delta

winding is always closed in operation, any reasonable value can be used for the zero

sequence exciting current because its influence unlikely to show up with the delta connected

winding providing a short circuit path for zero sequence currents.








Figure 3.1 Fluxes in Three-legged Core Type Design [2]

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In this transformer model, the zero sequence exciting current is not given by the

manufacturer, a reasonable value could be found as follows: the one leg of the transformer

is excited, then estimate from physical reasoning how much voltage will be induced in the

corresponding coils in two other legs. The induced voltage will be different due to the core

design of the transformer.

For the three-legged core design, approximately one half of the flux Aλ returns through

phase B and C, which means that induced voltages VB and VC will be close to 0.5 VA with

reversed polarity. The working formula is :










− (3.2)

Equation (3.2) above is derived from :

ASA IZV = (3.3)

AMCB IZVV == (3.4)

With SZ and BZ are the self and mutual magnetizing impedances of the three excited coils.







ZVV −=




2 (3.5)

And Z0 and Z1 inversely proportional to Iexc-zero and Iexc-pos, equation (3.2) follows. Obviously, k

can not be exactly 0.5 because it would lead to an infinite zero sequence exciting current. A

reasonable value for to Iexc-zero in three-legged core design might be 100%.

The Iexc-pos in the modeled transformer is 0.145 %, k would become nearly close to the

theoretical value 0.5.

For five legged core type design, the proposed value for Iexc-zero/ Iexc-pos is 4 [2].

Short Circuit Test

The positive and zero sequence short-circuit can be obtained from the no-load test of the

transformer. The only modification must be done is the modification of the zero sequence

impedance between primary winding and secondary winding of the transformer (ZHL)[2]. It

must be done because when the manufacture test the zero sequence, the tertiary winding

of the transformer is always closed.

The calculation of the zero sequence impedance between primary and secondary winding is:



closedHL X




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THHT XXX += (3.7)

TLLT XXX += (3.8)

Which can be solved for XH, XL, and XT :

LTclosedHLHTLTHTH XXXXXX ∆−−= (3.9)

HHTLTL XXXX +−= (3.10)

HHTT XXX −= (3.11)

After this modification, the short circuit reactances XH+XL, XH+XT, and XL+XT are used as input

data, with tertiary winding no longer being shorted in the test between primary and

secondary winding[1].

The BCTRAN supporting objects can generate the R and A (L-1) matrix or R and ωL matrix as

representation of coupled inductance which build the transformer.

Figure 3.1 Transformer Model in BCTRAN

3.3. Electrical System Power Component

The modeled transformer is installed at Wlingi substation. The real condition of the system

which the transformer is connected could be obtained from DigSilent program (source

impedance of the substation) and Sinaut Spectrum (dynamic load of the transformer).

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Figure 3.2 Snapshot of Sinaut Spectrum at Java Control Center SCADA system

Source Data

The voltage and source impedance of the primary connection of the transformer in Wlingi

substation is provided by DigSilent program. The source impedance model is not provided by

the voltage source component in ATPDraw.

Figure 3.3 Source Impedance Model

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However, the user can add the resistance and inductance component (RL component) as

representation of the source impedance. The source data and the process of modeling the

source is shown in figure 3.3.

Voltage : 150 kV rms line to line

Frequency : 50 Hz

Source Impedance:

Minimum fault level : Zs1 = 0.02888011+ j 0.01361679 pu

Zs0 = 0.08565811+ j 0.1014571 pu

Maximum fault level : Zs1 = 0.02286682+ j 0.08327282 pu

Zs0 = 0.01035353+ j 0.09723797 pu


Rating : 100 MVA

Frequency : 50 Hz

Connection : Star Star Delta (YNynOd11)

Primary : 150 kV rms line to line

Secondary : 70 kV rms line to line

Tertiary : 16 kV rms line to line

Circuit Breakers

Resistance when open : 1 MΩ

Resistance when closed : 0.005 Ω

Fault Switches

Resistance when open : 1 MΩ

Resistance when closed : 0.01Ω for solid faults

Pre-Fault Dynamic Load

Secondary winding or LV winding will be loaded with variable load. It can be modelled easily

by the resistance and inductance component (RL component). The load data is obtained

from Sinaut Spectrum of SCADA system at Java Control Center (JCC).

Dynamic Load with

Minimum load : ZLmi = 16.65 + j 8.43 MVA

Maximum load : ZLmx = 36.51 + j 23.87 MVA

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Figure 3.4 Load Model

In the real system, the tertiary winding of the transformer is unloaded. In order to avoid

matrix singularity during simulation, the realistic value of capacitance (0.003 Fµ ) is used as

the connection from tertiary winding to the earth [1].

Current Transformers (CT)

The current transformers is used for the test cases that involve CT saturation. The current

transformer data are as follows:

Knee point voltage (Vknee) : 185 V

Internal secondary winding resistance (Rct) : 2.3 Ω

Internal secondary lead resistance (Rl) : 4.1 Ω

Internal saturated secondary winding resistance (Rctsat) : 50 Ω

Ratio : HV side 400:1

LV side 600:1

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Figure 3.5 Current Transformer Model in ATPDraw

The model in this thesis will not use the CT modeling because the testing of the differential

relay will not be done with the real secondary test set. The operation and the characteristics

of the differential relay is only plotted manually on Omicron software.

User Specified Object

User specified object with the new library is built to represent transformer when internal

fault occurs. The healthy transformer impedance matrix will be generated by the BCTRAN

routine. The impedance matrix of this transformer is 9x9 because the modeled transformer

is three-phase three-winding transformer. When turn-to-earth fault happen, the impedance

matrix will be in 10x10 because it will accommodate the fault point and connected to the

earth. Whilst 11x11 impedance matrix will become the representation of turn-to-turn fault

that accommodate 2 (two) fault points and connected them each other.

The explanation how to get the new element matrix for internal fault will be described later

(chapter 4).

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3.4. Verifying the Model

To verify the model, some simulation test of the transformer can be done to compare the

result with the open circuit and short circuit test that have been done in the factory. The

open circuit simulation test determines the excitation measurement of the transformer.

That’s why open circuit test is well-known as excitation test. This test is carried out by

connecting the lowest voltage winding (tertiary winding) to the voltage source and opening

the other winding (primary and secondary winding).

Figure 3.6 Open Circuit Test Simulation

The three-wattmeter method is used for the copper-loss measurement. In real test, the

wattmeter current coil is connected to the current in each phase, and the voltage coil is

connected across the terminals of that phase and neutral. The sum of the three readings

taken each phase successively is the total copper loss of the transformer [27].

In the simulation of this test the total copper loss can be read as the sum of the wattmeter in

each phase.

Table 3.1 Open Circuit Test Result

TYPE TEST Test Data Simulation Difference (%)

Excitation Measurement/Open Circuit Test

Excitation Voltage kV 71.52 71.52 0

Excitation Current Amperres 5.1 5.1 0

Excitation Losses Watts 118.69 118.76 0.0589772

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The short circuit simulation test is done three times per transformer. This test is done

without connecting the transformer to the load, however it’s also called no-load test. This

test will provide the information of short circuit current and voltage and transformer losses.

The no-load current is given by ammeter reading obtained in each phase. The algebraic sum

of the three wattmeter readings will then give the total iron losses.

The test connections and result are shown:

Figure 3. 7 Short Circuit Test

Table 3.2 Short Circuit Test Result

TYPE TEST Test Data Simulation Difference (%)

No-load/Short Circuit Test


SC Voltage Volts 38093 38093 0

SC Current Amperres 577 577 0

SC Losses Watts 369.45 369.50 0.0135336


SC Voltage Volts 31225 31225 0

SC Current Amperres 260 258 0.7692308

SC Losses Watts 89.19 87.83 1.5248346


SC Voltage Volts 3574 3574 0

SC Current Amperres 773 770 0.3880983

SC Losses Watts 57.76 57.28 0.8310249

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The difference between simulation and the real test is very small, so the model of the

transformer can be used and connected to the electrical network (grid) to make further


After all successful tests have been done to verify the model of the transformer, all of the

power system components can be integrated in one system.

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4.1. Introduction

This chapter is the main part of modeling for internal fault of the transformer. The matrix

modification due to the fault will be described. The chosen method and how to calculate the

modified impedance matrix element is explained.

4.2. Matrix Representation of Transformers

Matrix representation of power transformer is an important step towards realization of

transformer winding fault in the Electromagnetic Transient Program (EMTP/ATP). The

BCTRAN routine computes two matrices (R) and (L) representing the transformer based on

excitation and short circuit tests for positive and zero sequences. The transformer is three-

phase three-winding transformer. In order to explain the concept, a single phase three-

winding transformer will be considered first, which can be described by the following steady

state phasor equations :



















The matrix in equation (4.1) is symmetric. Its elements can be measured in no-load tests: if

tertiary winding (coil 3) is energized, then the measured values for I3 and V1, V2, and V3

produce the column 3 of the [Z] matrix.


iij I

VZ =


In differential equation for electromagnetic transient analysis, above equation can be

written as :

































Where [R] is the resistance (real part of impedance [Z]) and [L] is the inductance (imaginary

part of impedance [Z] divided by ω ). This model is accommodated by BCTRAN routine in the


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Extension of the impedance equation to three-phase transformer can be done. Each winding

in equation (4.1) for three-phase transformer will consist of three coils for the three phases

or core legs. The impedance matrix will become 3x3 matrix as follows :








where ZS is the self impedance of the phase and ZM is the mutual impedance among the

three phases. The self and mutual impedance are related to the positive and zero sequence

values Z1 and Z0 by:


10 ZZZS += (4.5)


10 ZZZM −= (4.6)

Replacing the element of [Z] in equation (4.1) by the 3x3 sub-matrix of equation (4.4) and

relating the diagonal and off-diagonal elements ZS and ZM to positive and zero sequence

values, the three-phase three-winding transformer matrix will be obtained.

The equivalent matrix can be calculated from the data from factory acceptance test of the

transformer that consist of short and open circuit test as long as exciting current is not

neglected. If the exciting current is neglected or too small than the impedance matrix can

not be obtained because the matrix is singular[2].

First, the imaginary parts of the diagonal element pairs (XS-ii and XM-ii) from the exciting

current of the positive and zero sequence in excitation (no-load) tests as :


iii I

VZ = (4.7)

With the positive and zero sequence values X1-ii and X0-ii computed by equation (4.7) the pair

values are obtained by :


10 iiiiiiS XXX −−− += (4.8)


10 iiiiiiM XXX −−− −= (4.9)

As the sequence excitation tests are only carried out from one-side of the transformer, it is

reasonable to assume that per-unit reactance of other windings is quite the same, since

these open circuit input impedances are larger than the short circuit input impedances. If

the particular winding has very little stray flux (e.g. the tertiary winding of the three winding

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transformer with cylindrical coil construction), an equivalent circuit where the magnetizing

reactance is connected across that winding can be adopted [4].

If the winding resistances are known, they are added to the self impedance ZS-ii of the

diagonal element pairs (ZS-ii and ZM-ii). If they are not known, but the load losses tests are

given, they could be calculated by the load losses. The winding resistances of the

transformer model in this thesis are calculated by using the load losses. Calculating winding

resistances from the load losses is not exact because the losses also contain stray losses as

well, but it is better than simply setting winding resistance to zero [2].

If the excitation losses are known, they must not be included in the calculation of the

equation (4.8) and (4.9) because it would be implied as a resistance in series with the

magnetization reactance model. Instead, shunt resistances can be externally added across

one or more windings in the EMTP network to model the excitation losses. These shunt

resistances are additional branches which can not be directly included in the impedance

matrix representation of equation (4.1).

With the diagonal element pairs known, the off-diagonal element pairs (ZS-ij and ZM-ij) are

calculated from the short circuit input impedance where:



shortij Z

ZZZZ −= (4.10)

Or ijii

shortij kZ

Zσ=−= 21 (4.11)

Where ijρ is defined as the leakage factor between winding i and j. k is the coupling

coefficient which can be calculated as :




ZZk =


In order to calculate the off diagonal elements; from equation (4.10), Zij is found as :

jjshortijiijiij ZZZZZ )( −== (4.13)

Related to equation (4.8) and (4.9), the positive and zero sequences are processed

separately in equation (4.13). Then, they are converted into pair values.

shortijZ in equation (4.13) is the complex short circuit impedance and the real part is

calculated from load losses and the imaginary part can be calculated by following formula :

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22)( ji


shortij RRZX +−= (4.14)

Where shortijZ is short circuit impedance (magnitude) and (Ri + Rj) is the winding resistances.

The elements must be calculated with high accuracy: otherwise, the short circuit impedance

gets lost in the open circuit impedance. The lower the exciting current is, the more equal the

impedances between Zii, Zij, and Zjj become among themselves in equation (4.10).

4.3. Modeling Principles

The BCTRAN routine of the ATPDraw simulation software provides the model of the healthy

transformer. The BCTRAN routine generates impedance matrix of the transformer, this

routine can compute the two matrices R (Resistance) and L(inductance) or R and A (L-1)

modeling of the transformer.

The impedance matrix of the healthy transformer will be 9x9 because it is three-phase

three-winding transformer.

Figure 4.1 (a) Normal Transformer (b) Turn-to-earth Fault (c) Turn-to-turn Fault

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Figure 4.1 (b) and (c) are shown the condition of the new matrix impedance when the

internal fault occurs.

There are two methods for of calculating the new impedance matrix for representation of

the transformer. The first method is by calculating the self and mutual impedance of the

transformer directly. This method is proposed by [11], [14], [10], [15]. This model has

limitation because it needs the very detail design of the transformer and sometimes it is

hard to find this design if the transformer is old or the manufacturer did not give it to the

purchaser and will be unstable if there is negative impedance[16].

The second method is by calculating the leakage inductance using leakage factor. This

method considers the flux leakage elements and estimation of the flux in different parts of

the transformer [4],[5],[6]. This method still needs the geometrical quantities of the

transformer but still provide good solution if there is negative impedance on the transformer





−+= (4.15)




−+= (4.16)




−+= (4.17)

The second method is used in this thesis because the secondary winding of the transformer

will give the negative impedance value.

4.3.1. Direct Self and Mutual Impedance Calculation Method

Wilcox has proposed the calculation based on modified Maxwell equation that

accommodate the finite core[11]. A major assumption of the basic formula is that the core is

solid (of resistivity ρ ), whereas, in practical core will be laminated to reduce the eddy

current. Since the laminations is to restrict the circulation of eddy currents, than the effect

of lamination is simulated by continuing treat the core as solid but with the enhanced

resistivity of the core. It also becomes the main problem since there’s no exact formula to

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increase the resistivity value of the core. The proposed method[11] is using the impedance

measurement that is almost impossible to get except on the laboratory test.

Figure 4.2 Geometric Dimension for Self and Mutual Impedance Calculation [11]

kmkmkmkm ZZsLZ 21 ++= (4.18)


1 10



π −⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅=


mbIbNNsZ z

mkkm (4.19)



⋅⋅=∑ =







2111 2112121









n nn








Zkm = total mutual impedance between kth and mth sections within a set of transformer

windings (function of the Laplace transform parameter s)

Lkm= component of mutual inductance between kth and mth sections owing to energising

field (all iron absent)

Z1km=component of mutual impedance between kth and mth sections owing to flux confined

to core

Z2km= component of mutual impedance between kth and mth sections owing to leakage field

(excluding energising field)

ω = angular frequency ( fπ2 )

)/( ρµ zsm ⋅= = core skin-effect parameter

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s = Laplace transform parameter

ρ = effective resistivity of laminated core when treated as solid

'ρ = modified (frequency-dependent) value of ρ accounting for behavior of core relative to

leakage field

zµ = magnetic permeability of core in axial direction

( )relzµ = relative value of zµ

rµ =magnetic permeability of core in radial direction

1µ =magnetic permeability of medium outside the core (7104 −×≅ π )

α =fundamental core parameter, relating to leakage field

λ =actual or apparent length of magnetic circuit

λπβ /2 nn = = summation parameter (where n is an integer variable)

Nk = number of turns in kth section

Nm = number of turns in mth section

N =number of terms required for convergence

I0 , I1 = modified Bessel functions of first kind

K0 , K1 = modified Bessel functions of second kind

P1, Q1, F1 = functions, dependent on coil dimensions

b, z = core radius and coil separation

−⋅⋅⋅≅ )()(




0 κκκ

µ EKk

arNNL mkkm (4.21)

where )(κK and )(κE are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds

respectively, and

++⋅⋅= 22 )(


raκ (4.22)

The other functions are defined by




001 bgbg



nznn µµβ

µµβµβ (4.23)

[ ])()(1

),( 1121 ypxpyxPn



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),( 21


nβ (4.25)



µµ z



s2 (4.26)

The auxiliary functions involved are defined by





If = (4.27)





Kg = (4.28)

[ ])()()()(2

)( 01011 ααααπαα KLLKp += (4.29)

where the modified Struve functions )(αkL are given by

[ ] [ ]∑∞








k nknL

αα (4.30)

4.3.2. Leakage Impedance Calculation by Using Leakage Factor

Healthy Transformer and External Fault Condition

BCTRAN is one of the routines in ATPDraw that used to model a transformer. The inputs of

BCTRAN consist of MVA, voltage, winding connection, grounding, impedance, losses,

frequency, short circuit and open circuit test, etc. They can be easily taken from the data of

factory acceptance test of the transformer. This test is prepared by the transformer

manufactures when the customer (electrical utility, industry, etc) buy it. So it is easy to get

this data because all of the transformer will be accompanied by this data. BCTRAN can make

a model of any kind of transformer, two and three winding, single and three phases, star

(wye) and delta winding, and autotransformer. BCTRAN generates the impedance matrix (R

and L matrix) of the transformer.

In the case of three-phase transformer three-winding transformer, the impedance matrices

are in order 9, see figure (a). The BCTRAN does not take magnetic asymmetry into account.

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L =

To check the R and L matrix generated by BCTRAN, the manual calculation could be done. If

the calculation of impedance is almost the same between two methods, the matrix

calculation using leakage impedance method could be done to determine the new matrix

when internal fault occurs[5].

The leakage reactance between windings can be calculated from the L matrix generated by

BCTRAN as shown below:


ijiicc L




−= (4.31)

where i and j are the windings (primary, secondary, or tertiary) of the transformer. Lii, Lij, and

Ljj can be found in 9x9 matrix computed by BCTRAN routine.

The second reactance calculation method uses the geometrical data of the transformer. It

also calculates the correction factor because one of the windings may not be long enough to

cover the height of the core [5],[24].

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Figure 4.3 Geometrical Arrangement for Two Adjacent Windings

Xcc = 0 ( )3 3

jmt i


bL bcf N a

Lµ ω× × × × × + + (4.32)

Where cf is the correction factor, 0µ is the magnetic permeability, N is the number of turns

at the winding, ω is the angular frequency ( fπ2 ), Lmt is the mean circumferential length of

the annular duct between the coils [24],[26],[14], Lc is the height of the core, b is the width

of the winding, and a is the width of the duct between windings.

The formulas which allow calculation of the correction factor have been determined by

Maurice Denice-Papin[24] based on many experimental result relating to various


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Figure 4.4 Dimension for Correction Factor Calculation





++= (4.33)

The coefficient of k1 and k2 are defined as follows:



dk += ; i=1;2 (4.34)



21 bba

++=ρ (4.35)

Table 4.1 Reactance Calculation Comparison

No Reactance BCTRAN (ohm) Geometric





1 XHL 6.0755 6.1091 0.5500

2 XHT 1.5646 1.5686 0.2550

3 XLT 0.4198 0.4200 0.0476

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The differences of leakage reactance calculation are not so big between those two methods,

leakage impedance method can be proposed to calculate the new impedance matrix for

internal faults.

The other method to verify that the leakage inductance can be used as comparison

correction for the leakage calculation is the transformer impedance test result. In this

method, the real part of impedance (resistance) is also included because it based on the real

impedance test of the transformer so the value will be higher than two other calculations.

Zcc = 2( )

( . )( )

LLV kVZ p u

S MVA× (4.36)

Where VLL is the line to line voltage, S is the rating of the transformer, and Z is the

impedance of the transformer.

With this calculation, ZHL= 6.1794 ohm, ZHT = 1.6190 ohm, and ZLT= 0.4290 ohm.

Transformer in Internal Fault Condition

Turn-to-earth faults :

The principle used to model a fault between a coil turn-to-earth or between two turns is to

divide the faulty coil.

As shown in Fig (b), phase “2” (represent secondary winding of phase R) coil is split into two

sub-windings, A and B. Then the updated impedance matrix would become 10x10 as follows:


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L =

The matrix element in the italics is the new element that calculated by the some equation in


The 10x10 matrix R will be determined with the help of the relations:

Ra =



n R2 (4.37)

Rb =



n R2


To determine the L matrix is more difficult. There are 36 elements must be calculated each

case and inserted manually to the new user defined object or library in the EMTP.

La = 22


2 111ab


k k

σ−+ +


Lb = 222 2 1 1ab


k k σ+ − + (4.40)

Lab = 22 11

( ) 2 1







+ + − (4.41)

If coil i is considered in the same leg as a and b (the faulty coil) and if na > nb then

Lai = L2i ε22




11 ii




εε−+ (4.42)

Lbi = L2i - Lai (4.43)

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If coil i is wound on the different leg than a and b then

Lai = 1


k+L2i (4.42)

Lbi = 1

1 k+L2i (4.43)

L22, L2i, and Lii are elements of the L matrix computed by BCTRAN.

k = a



n and ε =





where ijσ is a leakage factor between i and j windings. Unknown ratio

of two leakage factor (ε ) is assumed to be 1 as recommended by Kezunovic [8].

The leakage factor abσ proposed by Darwish [6] is equal to:

abσ =



n 12σ (4.46)

Where 12σ is leakage factor between primary and secondary winding of the healthy

transformer and could be calculated by

12σ = 1- 212

11 22


L L (4.47)

Turn-to-turn faults :

In case of turn-to-turn faults, the phase “2” (represent secondary winding of phase R) is split

into three sub-windings, A, B, and C. The updated impedance matrix will be 11x11 :


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L =

Ra =



n R2 (4.48)

Rb =



n R2 (4.49)

Rc =



n R2 (4.50)

There are 57 elements in L matrix must be calculated each case and inserted manually to the

new user defined object or library in the EMTP .

Considering that the three leakage factors are known parameters ( abσ , acσ , bcσ ) [6],[5], six

equations for six unknowns are formulated (La, Lb, Lc, Lab, Lbc, and Lac) [4]

• Consistency La+Lb+Lc+2(Lab+Lac+Lbc) = L2 (4.51)

• Leakage

abσ = 1-2ab

a b



abσ = 1-2ac

a c



bcσ = 1-


b c






• Proportion a










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In case turn-to-turn fault, the proposed values of leakage factors are [6]:

abσ = 2


n 12σ (4.57)

acσ = 2


n 12σ (4.58)

bcσ = 2


n 12σ (4.59)

Those six equations with six unknowns above (4.51 – 4.56) are not linear and cannot lead to

an explicit expression of the various inductances. In practice, the iteration with a numerical

resolution method must therefore be used. The approximate solution to optimize its

iterations, the following will be taken[5]:

La = L2






Other new elements of the impedance matrix can be calculated :

If coil i is considered in the same leg as a and b (the faulty coil) and if na > nb then

Lai = L2i 1ε22



21 2

11 ii




εε−+ (4.61)

Lci = L2i 2ε22



22 2

11 ii




εε−+ (4.62)

Lbi = L2i - Lai - Lci (4.63)

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If coil i is wound on the different leg than a and b then

Lai = 2

1 11

1 2


k k+ +


Lbi = 2

11 1




+ + (4.65)

Lci = 2

21 2




+ + (4.66)

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5.1. Introduction

The simulation and analysis of the external fault and internal fault at the transformer will be

done in this chapter. The transformer differential protection behavior also studied. From the

chapter 2, the differential protection relay must not operate when external fault occur. On

the other hand, if the internal fault occur then the differential protection relay must work


5.2. External Fault

After building the whole electrical power components in ATPDraw, simulation of fault can be

done. The phase to ground fault, phase to phase, phase to phase to ground, or three phase

fault of the load can be simulated. In those faults, the transformer model is in the same

model as in the normal/healthy condition. There are no changes in the impedance matrix (R

and L matrix) of the transformer.

Figure 5.1 External Fault Modeling

Phase to Ground Fault Three Phase Fault

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The current of the primary, secondary, and tertiary side will change but the differential

protection must not work because the fault is outside the protection zone. The differential

protection only protects the internal faults of the transformer such as turn-to-earth and

turn-to-turn fault. The current waveforms of three winding will change because of the

external fault. The current waveforms are shown in the figures below:

(f ile Wlingi_Sy stem_BCTRAN_LGFault.pl4; x-v ar t) c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C c:X0003A-HVBUSA c:X0003B-HVBUSB c:X0003C-HVBUSC

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40[s]-800









Figure 5.2 External Fault : Phase to Ground Fault near the Bus

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(f ile Wlingi_Sy stem_BCTRAN_LGFault_Line.pl4; x-v ar t) c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C c:X0003A-HVBUSA c:X0003B-HVBUSB c:X0003C-HVBUSC

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40[s]-800









Figure 5.3 External Fault: Phase to Ground Fault in the Feeder

(f ile Wlingi_Sy stem_BCTRAN_LGFault.pl4; x-v ar t) c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C c:X0003A-HVBUSA c:X0003B-HVBUSB c:X0003C-HVBUSC

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40[s]-5000









Figure 5.4 External Fault : Three-phase Fault near the Bus

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(f ile Wlingi_Sy stem_BCTRAN_3phFault_f eeder.pl4; x-v ar t) c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C c:X0003A-HVBUSA c:X0003B-HVBUSB c:X0003C-HVBUSC

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40[s]-1500







Figure 5.5 External Fault : Three-phase Fault at the Feeder

There are two ways to investigate the operation of the differential relay due to the external

and internal fault (turn-to-earth and turn-to-turn fault). The first one is a complete relay

testing by injecting the faulty waveform to the secondary test set which is connected to the

differential relay. The second way is to calculate manually the differential and bias current of

the relay and to plot it into the differential relay characteristics. The second one is chosen

because the equipments (secondary equipment test set, circuit breaker (CB) replica, and

differential relay protection) for first way are not available.

In this thesis, the manual plotting is done by using Omicron software i.e Omicron Advanced

Transplay, Omicron Transview, and Omicron Differential Protection Test View.

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Figure 5.6 Differential Relay Testing Configuration

The first way of differential relay protection testing can be used by the utility as an

acceptance test of the relay. It will give the correct and accurate information about the

characteristics, operating time, sensitiveness, and selectivity of the differential relay

protection. The differential relay protection will operate due to the real condition of the

current waveform including harmonics and DC component.

Figure 5.7 Harmonics and DC Component Occur when Fault Occurs

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The harmonics and DC component will appear when fault occur inside or outside

transformer protection zone. Figure 5.7 shows the harmonics and DC component 1 cycle (20

ms) after the fault happen.

The second way of test only gives the information that the relay will or won’t operate due to

the changing current at primary and secondary winding. The current value entered to the

differential relay plotting is the root mean square (RMS) value of both primary and


Figure 5.8 Differential Relay Characteristics Plotting for External Fault

From the figure above, it can be seen that the differential relay will be stable for the external

fault. The differential relay will not operate because the fault is outside the protected zone.

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5.3. Internal Fault

The electrical system of Wlingi substation with faulty transformer is built in the EMTP

network shown by figure 5.9. The modified impedance matrix accommodate the fault point

Z. Closing the switch between Z (fault point node) and the ground, the simulation of turn-to-

earth fault of transformer winding is elaborated. The new 10x10 impedance matrix of the

transformer due to turn-to-earth fault is written as source data in the library. This library will

react as BCTRAN routine for the faulty transformer.

Figure 5.9 Internal Fault Simulation Configuration: (a) Turn-to earth Fault

(b) Turn-to-turn Fault

For the turn-to-turn fault, there are two fault points (Z and Y) and by closing the switch

between those fault points, the turn-to-turn fault of the transformer is simulated. The matrix

will be 11x11 due to turn-to-turn fault.

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Figure 5.10 Modified Impedance Matrix for Internal Fault

The element matrix in the yellow box is calculated with high precision based on chapter 4

and entered to the new library. A little error in the calculation or entering the value to the

new library will cause the unstable simulation or different waveform on pre-fault condition.

This new element will be calculated in each case of the internal fault.

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A fault on a transformer winding is controlled in magnitude by the following factors [19]:

• source impedance

• neutral grounding impedance

• transformer leakage reactance

• fault voltage

• winding connection

The 70 kV system in Java-Bali interconnection system has two grounding systems. High

resistive grounding (200 ohm) is used in east Java and Bali and low resistive grounding (40-

60 ohm) in west and central Java. Wlingi substation is located at east Java, so it has 200 ohm

for 70 kV system grounding. This thesis also simulates the effect of different grounding

system to the primary winding current if there’s internal fault in the transformer.

5.3.1. Primary Winding Fault

Turn-to-earth Fault

The winding turn-to-earth fault current depends on the grounding impedance value and is

also proportional to the distance or number of the faulty turns from the neutral point, since

the fault voltage will be directly proportional to this distance or number of faulty turns.

HV1sectionfault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA hv2sectionfault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA hv3sectionfault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA hv4sectionfault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA hv5sectionfault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]-2500









Figure 5.11 Turn-to-earth Fault Primary Windings Current Waveform

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HV1sectionf ault.pl4: c:LVBUSA-X0004A hv 2sectionf ault.pl4: c:LVBUSA-X0004A

hv 3sectionf ault.pl4: c:LVBUSA-X0004A hv 4sectionf ault.pl4: c:LVBUSA-X0004A hv 5sectionf ault.pl4: c:LVBUSA-X0004A

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]-500








Figure 5.12 Turn-to-earth Fault Secondary Windings Current Waveform

Turn-to-turn Fault

If the faults take place in the primary winding, the faulty turns will act as an autotransformer

load on the winding, and the reactance is that between the faulty turns and the whole of the

affected phase winding [27].

HV20_1_55sectionf ault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA c:LVBUSA-X0004A hv 20_2_54sectionf ault.pl4: c:X0002A-HVBUSA c:LVBUSA-X0004A

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]-3000







Figure 5.13 Turn-to-turn Fault Current Waveform

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Figure 5.14 Differential Relay Characteristics Plotting for Primary Winding Fault

The differential relay will operate work for all turn-to-turn and turn-to-earth fault at the

primary winding except turn-to-earth fault with only one section of 76 sections fault.

Primary winding of the transformer consists of 76 sections with 7 turns per section. The over

current relay also operate with the same condition but with the delayed operating time due

to coordination with the feeder/line protection system.

Table 5.1 Primary Winding Fault Current Distribution

Number of Faulty


Current at High

Voltage Side (A)

Current at Low

Voltage Side (A)

I diff

( x In)

I bias

( x In)


(x 1.2 In)

A. Turn-to-earth Fault

1 261.14 325.69 0.28 1.07 0.565

2 563.22 310.91 1.09 1.84 1.219

3 960 298.94 2.13 2.86 2.078

4 1310 277.02 3.07 3.74 2.836

5 1570 258.52 3.77 4.39 3.399

B. Turn-to-turn Fault

1 1200 341.9 2.70 3.53 2.598

2 2050 338.15 4.92 5.74 4.438

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Figure 5.15 Over Current Relay Characteristics Plotting for Primary Winding Fault

5.3.2. Secondary Winding Fault

Turn-to-earth Fault :

The winding turn-to-earth fault current depends on the grounding impedance value and is

also proportional to the distance or number of the faulty turns from the neutral point, since

the fault voltage will be directly proportional to this distance or number of faulty turns. For a

fault on a transformer secondary winding, the corresponding primary current will depend on

the transformation ratio between the primary winding and the short-circuited secondary

turns. This also varies with the position of the fault, so that the fault current in the

transformer primary winding is proportional to the square of the fraction of the winding that

is shortcircuited [16].

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Figure 5.16 Turn-to-earth Fault Primary Windings Current Waveform

Figure 5.17 Turn-to-earth Fault Secondary Windings Current with 200 ohm Grounding

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Figure 5.18 Turn-to-earth Fault Secondary Windings Current with 40 ohm Grounding

Figure5.19 Turn-to-earth Fault Primary Windings Current with Different Grounding Value

(solid, 40 ohm, and 200 ohm)

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From figure 5.16 and figure 5.17, it can be seen that the primary current and differential

current will increase if the number of turns to the earth increases. The differential current of

the differential relay protection is not sufficient to operate the relay if only few of turns to

the earth.

Table 5.2 Turn-to-earth Current Distribution

Number of Faulty


Current at High

Voltage Side (A)

Current at Low

Voltage Side (A) I diff ( x In) I bias ( x In)

0 153.08 327.67

10 153.73 293.5 0.04 0.76

20 162.41 258.7 0.11 0.74

30 178.95 223.51 0.19 0.74

40 203.32 188.05 0.30 0.76

50 234.57 152.93 0.42 0.79

60 272.85 118.05 0.57 0.85

70 317.4 83.81 0.72 0.93

80 367.47 50.5 0.89 1.02

90 422.08 18.46 1.07 1.12

Figure 5.20 Differential Relay Characteristics Plotting for Turn-to-earth Fault

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The red number on figure 5.20 represents the faulty sections of the secondary transformer

windings. The secondary transformer winding is built with continuous disk configuration

with 96 sections. Each section consists of 3 turns.

From figure 5.20 above, it can be seen that if the number of turns to the earth is under 30 %

of total turn, the differential relay will not work due to the turn-to-earth fault. The over

current relay (OCR) will not react at all if there’s turn-to-earth fault in the secondary winding

because the primary and secondary winding current are not high enough to operate the

OCR, they are still under the OCR pick up current (around 1.2 times the rated current) of the


Turn-to-turn Fault

The interesting part is the faulty current waveform due to turn-to-turn fault. The normalized

primary and secondary current will have big difference even if few turns of the winding are

shortcircuited. If the faults occur in the secondary winding the faulty turns act as an

ordinary double winding load, the reactance is between the faulty turns and the whole of

the corresponding primary phase winding [27].

In low voltage transformers, turn-to-turn insulation breakdown is unlikely to occur unless

the mechanical force on the winding due to external short circuits has caused insulation

degradation, or insulating oil has became contaminated by moisture. A high voltage

transformer connected to an overhead transmission system will be subjected to steep

fronted impulse voltages, arising from lightning strikes, faults and switching operations. A

line surge, which may be of several times the rated system voltage, will concentrate on the

end turns of the winding because of the high equivalent frequency of the surge front. Part-

winding resonance, involving voltages up to 20 times rated voltage may occur shortcircuited

[16]. The turn-to-turn insulation of the end turns is reinforced, but cannot be increased in

proportion to the insulation to earth, which is relatively great. Partial winding flashover is

therefore more likely. The subsequent progress of the fault, if not detected in the earliest

stage, may well destroy the evidence of the true cause. A short circuit of a few turns of the

winding will give rise to a heavy fault current in the short-circuited loop, but the terminal

currents will be very small, because of the high ratio of transformation between the whole

winding and the short-circuited turns.

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The simulation of turn-to-turn fault is started by shortcircuited one section (three turns) of

the secondary winding. The differential relay is operated if four section (12 turns of 280

turns) is short-circuited. It also can be seen that the over current relay (OCR) in the primary

side (150 kV system) will start reacting if six sections (18 turns) of secondary winding is

shorcircuited. The operation of differential relay and over current relay depends on the fault

impedance. The current at high voltage side will increase with decreasing fault impedance.

Figure 5.21 Turn-to-turn Fault Primary Windings Current Waveform

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Figure 5.22 Turn-to-turn Fault Secondary Windings Current Waveform

Table 5.3 Turn-to-turn Current Distribution

Number of Faulty


Current at High

Voltage Side (A)

Current at Low

Voltage Side (A)

I diff

( x In)

I bias

( x In)


(x 1.2 In)

0 153.08 327.67

1 164.44 325.96 0.03 0.82 0.356

2 200.58 323.08 0.13 0.91 0.434

3 260.76 317.6 0.29 1.06 0.565

4 340.85 308.97 0.51 1.26 0.738

5 434.6 297.06 0.77 1.49 0.941

6 532.57 282.35 1.04 1.73 1.153

7 629.8 265.76 1.31 1.96 1.364

8 720.9 248.39 1.57 2.17 1.561

10 880 210 2.03 2.54 1.905

15 1120 150 2.73 3.09 2.425

20 1260 120 3.13 3.42 2.728

25 1350 100 3.39 3.63 2.923

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Figure 5.23 Differential Relay Characteristics Plotting for Turn-to-turn Fault

Figure 5.24 Over Current Relay Characteristics Plotting for Turn-to-turn Fault

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From the figure 5.24 above, it can be concluded that the back up over current relay will work

if 6 (six) of the secondary winding sections are short circuited but the trip time is delayed by

the normal inverse characteristics of the transformer over current relay.

The trip time of the over current relay is delayed because the over current relay must be

coordinate with the feeder or line protection.

5.3.3. Tertiary Winding Fault

Turn-to-earth Fault

The tertiary winding of the modeled transformer is unloaded. The protective devices must

also respond to delta-winding faults. The differential relay is difficult to detect the fault

because the primary and secondary winding currents of faulty condition are almost the same

with the pre-fault currents. The transformer protection system will probably have to rely on

non electrical protection i.e Buchholz relay or sudden pressure relay.

(f ile te10turnf ault_lv grd200ohm.pl4; x-v ar t) c:X0002A-HVBUSA c:X0002B-HVBUSB c:X0002C-HVBUSC c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]-500









Figure 5. 25 Turn-to-earth Current Waveform

From the figure above, it can be shown that there are no significant current difference

between pre-fault and fault condition. The differential or other electrical protection

installed to protect the transformer will not react at all due to turn-to-earth fault at

unloaded tertiary winding.

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The other possibility is by using neutral voltage displacement relay to detect the fault on the

tertiary winding because there is are significant change in the voltage of the tertiary winding.

But there is no neutral voltage displacement relay at the PLN transformer protection system.

(f ile te10turnf ault_lv grd200ohm.pl4; x-v ar t) v :TEBUSA v :TEBUSB v :TEBUSC 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]











Figure 5.26 Turn-to-earth Voltage Waveform

(f ile TE30_10_71sectionf ault.pl4; x-v ar t) c:X0002A-HVBUSA c:X0002B-HVBUSB c:X0002C-HVBUSC c:LVBUSA-X0004A c:LVBUSB-X0004B c:LVBUSC-X0004C

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]-500









Figure 5. 27 Turn-to-turn Current Waveform

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Turn-to-turn Fault

The current waveform due to turn-to-turn fault at the tertiary winding is similar to the

current waveform because of turn-to-earth fault. The differential relay and other electrical

protection installed at the transformer will not react at all relating to this fault. The

protection will rely on the non electrical protection such as Buchholz and sudden pressure


(f ile TE30_10_71sectionf ault.pl4; x-v ar t) v :TEBUSA v :TEBUSB v :TEBUSC 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10[s]










Figure 5.28 Turn-to-turn Voltage Waveform

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6.1. Introduction

In this chapter the conclusions and recommendations for future study resulting from this

thesis report are presented. First the conclusions will be presented and later

recommendation will also be presented.

6.2. Conclusions

• The leakage impedance calculation using leakage factor could be done to make a

new impedance matrix as the representation of transformer during turn-to-earth

and turn-to-turn fault. The verification must be done by comparing the calculation of

leakage reactance using geometrical quantities of the transformer and the leakage

reactance from the BCTRAN routine.

• The model of the faulty transformer can adequately be used to make the fault

waveform that can be used to test the sensitivity and correctness of the protection


• The differential relay has a limitation to discriminate the internal fault. The limitation

depends on the fault location, type of fault, and system condition (grounding

resistance, source impedance, and voltage).

6.3. Recommendation

• The modified impedance matrix calculation is done by introducing the leakage factor

estimation based on several papers. To provide more accurate impedance matrix

representation of the transformer, the future study could use the finite element

method or other accurate and suitable methods.

• The complete transformer fault modeling including inrush current, core fault, and

other possible faults could be proposed for future study. The new scheme and

algorithm of transformer protection could be studied either.

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• To make the real protection relay testing, it would be valuable to complete the

laboratory facilities with the secondary test set equipment, circuit breaker replica,

and protection relay.

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ACT : Auxiliary Current Transformer

ATP : Alternative Transient Program

CB : Circuit Breaker

CT : Current Transformer

DBM : Data Base Module

DC : Direct Current

EMTP : Electromagnetic Transient Program

FAT : Factory Acceptance Test

GFR : Ground Fault Relay

IBT : Interbus Transformer

JCC : Java Control Center

LG : Line to Ground

LL : Line to Line

OCR : Over Current Relay

PLN : Perusahaan Listrik Negara, state-owned electrical utility company in


REF : Restricted Earth Fault

RMS : Root Mean Square

SBEF : Standby Earth Fault

SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

VT : Voltage Transformer

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Appendix : Transformer Data

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